Give and Go

What Global Citizen Year offers requires more than travel.

Participants spend a year with a family in a rural area of Africa or Latin America. The program is designed for students as a bridge year between high school and college. Those who are accepted must raise $2,500 from commitments in their own community, and then after an eight-day boot camp at California’s Occidental College and Stanford University, live for nine months with a host family while working on local initiatives such as digital literacy, health clinics, and agricultural projects.

Global Citizen Year in Town and Country


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Erin Lewellen on Jazzed About Work
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Tilting Futures Featured on Nice News
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Tilting Futures
A tribute to our friend and board member Chris Eyre



Take Action Lab: Environment & Sustainability

Beginning in August 2025, we’re welcoming the next generation of environmental changemakers to George Town, Malaysia