Global Citizen Year: Creating A Path For Budding Social Entrepreneurs

After high school, Abby Falik was frustrated at her limited options for service. Now her organization sends young, engaged leaders to work on projects around the world before they head off to college.   When Global Citizen Year founder Abby Falik was 18, she wanted to enroll in the Peace Corps instead of going straight […]

Teach for the World

Nicholas Kristof highlights Global Citizen Year as a model for engaging young Americans in global issues.   A drumroll, please. In a moment, the winner of my 2010 “win-a-trip” contest. But first, a message from the sponsor — that’s me. A generation ago, the most thrilling program for young people was the Peace Corps. Today, […]

A Student’s ‘Gap Year’ Need Not Break The Bank

NEW YORK — When you’ve saved for years, an announcement that your child wants to take a year off before heading to college can be scary. There’s the fear she’ll never find the motivation to go to school. The concern she’ll fall behind. And the prospect of paying for an expensive program to fill the […]

Global Citizen Year: An Alternative Peace Corps

Abby Falik was dismayed when she discovered she couldn’t join the Peace Corps after graduating from high school only because she hadn’t yet turned eighteen. So she started a Peace Corps of her own. Listen to the interview with Abby on Wisconsin Public Radio’s “Here on Earth” show.

Why Getting Americans Out of the Country Will Save the Earth

Few Americans get to venture beyond our own borders. A pitiful 10 percent of Americans speak a second language and fewer than 30 percent hold passports. U.S. students have the lowest geography scores in the developed world. How can we expect our country to address global problems when so few of us have seen the globe? […]

Now Grandma Can ‘Win a Trip’ Too

Nicholas Kristof gives suggestions for designing your own ‘Win a Trip’ experience, and points to Global Citizen Year: “If you’re a high school senior, think about taking a “gap year” — nearly all colleges will defer admission — and exploring the world. It’ll be cheaper than a year of college and may well be more […]

Abigail Falik wants students to take a year off doing good abroad

Volunteering abroad between high school and college in a ‘Global Citizen Year’ helps students learn teamwork and leadership skills.   If timing is everything, then Abigail Falik timed the launch of her nonprofit Global Citizen Year (GCY) with the precision of an atomic clock. As America’s young adults find themselves in a new global economy […]

Global Citizen Year Creates Social Enterprise Leaders

Josh grew up in a rough neighborhood of Oakland, Calif. Some of his friends had died young, others were in jail for drug dealing. But Josh was different. Despite learning disabilities and other challenges, he was accepted into a program that let him spend the year after his graduation from high school in a community […]

Program Aims to Develop a Generation of Global Citizens

Harvard University logo, Tilting Futures

Inspired by her summer living in a rural Nicaraguan village as a teenager, Abby Falik (MBA 2008) tried to join the Peace Corps upon graduating from high school, only to be rejected because of her age. Some years later, that rejection spurred Falik to develop an idea that in 2008 won the Pitch for Change competition, a […]



Take Action Lab: Environment & Sustainability

Beginning in August 2025, we’re welcoming the next generation of environmental changemakers to George Town, Malaysia