The Best Freshman Year Is A Gap Year
Commentary by Global Citizen Year’s Abby Falik and Linda Frey published by The Chronicle of Higher Education as part of a series on Reimagining the Freshman Year. — It’s that time of year again. High-school seniors across the country are finishing their final exams, cleaning out their lockers, and getting ready to walk up on […]
Abby Falik Named to AFAR’s “15 Women Who Inspired Us To Travel Deeper”
We’re continuously inspired by dedicated adventurers—those who travel the world, seek new perspectives, and commit themselves to experiencing life around the globe. These women are pushing the boundaries of what it means to travel fearlessly, motivating us all to follow their lead. Scroll through the slideshow to learn the stories of some of the women who inspire us […]
Social Startup Success Features Abby Falik
Kathleen Kelly Janus, a lecturer at the Stanford University Program on Social Entrepreneurship and the founder of the successful social enterprise Spark, set out to investigate what makes a startup succeed or fail. She surveyed more than 200 high-performing social entrepreneurs and interviewed dozens of founders. Social Startup Success shares her findings for the legions […]
Abby Falik Named One Of AFAR’s “10 Most Interesting Travelers We Met This Year”
2017 AFAR Travel Vanguard included in AFAR’s list of 10 Most Interesting Travelers From a famous rock star to a professional ghost hunter, here are the people who intrigued our readers in 2017. Travel is about people. On trips, we try to meet as many locals as we can to get a true feel for […]
Influencing For A Cause
Learn how being a listener has proven to be a key component in Abby’s fundraising for Global Citizen Year, to make sure her organization is able to provide financial aid and scholarships to its Fellows. Listen to her interview with Josh Steimle for Influencer Inc Podcast!
Going for the Gap Year
Abby Falik, Founder and CEO of ‘Global Citizen Year,’ discusses the company’s mission to make taking a gap year ‘aspirational’ for all students. Falik adds that the company’s goal is to have students develop a new language while getting a new perspective, and showing off what being an American means to other parts of the […]
Roads Less Traveled Bypass Admission Drama
For high school seniors, December is difficult. Early decision college announcements are pending and regular decision application deadlines loom perilously close. Pressure mounts as friends and relatives ask about the future. Some students avoid the stress and take a year-long detour around the drama of U.S. college admissions. Ann Bergen, a college and […]
Global Competencies for High School Graduates
What does it take to succeed in a work world that is volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous? How does a young person succeed as a citizen of an integrated global economy? While traditional, fundamental skills are still important, so are empathy, ease with ambiguity, resilience, grit, and global mindset. But how many high school graduates […]
Global Citizen Year Series: High School Graduates Take a Global Gap Year
Welcome to the first in our series of blog posts about Global Citizen Year (GCY), an organization dedicated to making a global gap year accessible for students of all backgrounds. Abby Falik, GCY Founder and CEO, envisions a new norm for students in transition from high school to college. She talked with Tanya Mas from […]
From Gap Year to Bridge Year
Listen to Episode 17: From Gap Year to Bridge Year Paulina Jedrzejowski was five years old when two airliners slammed into the World Trade Center. She was just a few miles away in Brooklyn and wondered why ashes and bits of paper were floating down from the sky. Despite growing up in an America […]