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author avatar

Brinley Barton

Hey there! My name is Brinley Barton, and I am 18 years old. One year ago today I would've never imagined myself even thinking about traveling to Ecuador for a year. I am honestly very grateful, and blessed to have stumbled upon this opportunity and I can't wait for an amazing adventure ahead. The one thing that inspired me to take on this challenge was my interest in different cultures, and the world around me in general. I feel as if I have so much to explore and achieve in my lifetime. I like to keep the saying in my head, "journey with love in your heart, and you will accomplish more than you thought possible." In this light, I know that if I follow my passion of animals and the field of medicine, the world will take me to where I want to be. Some of my goals for the year ahead are to: Become fluent in another language-Become a leader-Learn a new skill. I also hope that in my exploration of these things I can make a difference in the lives of people around me, the environment, and in myself as a person. I am beyond excited to make many new friends and discover what the world has in store for me.


A photo collection of my year

Brinley Barton


To highlight some of the things that words can’t explain. A collection of my chosen photos from the year. photos.app.goo.gl/z98ka5wnwth4xXqLA

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Farewell letter

Brinley Barton


Ecuador, Antes conocíamos al otro, yo era una chica diferente. Una chica que quería saber más pero no sabía cómo. Una chica que no sabía la belleza de otras culturas y que pueden enseñarme.  Como una niña no sabía quién eras ni que nos cruzaríamos. Soy estadounidense. Tengo una familia de clase media, una madre...

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Getting the gap year I didn’t want

Brinley Barton


I can’t believe its been 6 months here in Ecuador. I’ve struggled to write blogs because I feel as though I can barely capture all that has happened through me just in words. But here I am trying to perhaps write somewhat of an update, and I am so grateful for the journey I have...

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What is my Identity?

Brinley Barton


Jet lag, living out of a suitcase, being surrounded constantly by people, meeting new people, saying where you are from 1000x, sharing your challenges, re-thinking what you’re doing with your life, coming to a whole different place, trying to find wifi, finding out where you’ll be living for the next 8 months, meeting your host...

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Let the Unexpected Pave the Way

Brinley Barton


Dear Future Self, I depart in a little over 1 week to leave for the Global Launch in San Fransisco. Almost all my friends that i’ve spent the past 6 years with have left for college and I feel a strong nostalgic feeling that nothing will be the same again. No high school, no swim team,...

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