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author avatar

Grace Partridge

Grace Partridge is passionate about human rights and environmentalism across the globe. She is involved in rock collecting, thrift shopping, and making art, and is an active vegan. Her goals for the year are to experience life in another culture through an anthropological viewpoint and to enjoy lots of rainstorms. Her favorite quote is, "In a society that profits from your self doubt, liking yourself is a rebellious act" (anonymous).


A Statement on Fear

Grace Partridge


My error was fear of error, was silence, was numbing myself and convincing myself that the shadow of existence I was living as was who I was supposed to be. (frozen, terrified of failing, voiceless) Until one day, I wasn’t. And it didn’t happen right away, either. It happened in little moments that forced me...

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A Journey of Healing, through Journal Snippets

Grace Partridge


During my time in Ecuador, my journal became an explosion of self love and introspection as I learned what it means to be alive and growing. Throughout the journey of fighting for myself, I changed in many ways. Part of my journey is visible through the bits of writing I’ve included below. 10/12 & things...

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A Day in the Fields of an Environmental Movement

Grace Partridge


My internship at Vibrant Village Foundation provides me with many unique opportunities to learn about environmental conservation, including the chance to witness action on the forefront of the agro-ecology movement in Ecuador. Yesterday, what started as simple office work turned into a field trip to farmers’ markets, an organic *almuerzo (lunch)* restaurant, and the chance...

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Things I have learned in the last five months

Grace Partridge


– the process of healing is incredibly important, but don’t get so wrapped up in it that you lose part of yourself and forget to blossom. you need to be okay at some point – sometimes your problems aren’t something you can burn. sometimes it’s not that easy, and that’s okay – if you scratch...

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An Ecuador Mixtape

Grace Partridge


One of my favorite parts of the day is the breathtaking bus rides through the mountains, where I am often blessed with the company of my *vecina*, Avry. I’ve made a playlist of a few favorite songs we frequently share earbuds to on our daily drives. Follow the link to Spotify to channel some carefree...

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Seeing the world through new eyes

Grace Partridge


“Siddhartha opened his eyes and looked around him, a smile filled his face, and a deep sensation of awakening from long dreams streamed through him, even to his toes. And instantly his pace quickened, he walked briskly, like a man who knows what he has to do. ‘Oh,’ he thought breathing freely, taking a deep...

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