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Jamie Constantine

Jamie is passionate about languages, her community, and meeting new people. She is involved in her county's youth coalition focused on tobacco prevention and was on the state board for teen tobacco prevention organization FACT. Jamie was enrolled in Spanish and French during high school and spent six weeks learning Mandarin in Xi'an China through a State Department scholarship. Her goals for the year are to become fluent in Spanish, gain a greater understanding of our more globalized world, as well as meet and help some great people. Jamie's favorite quote is "Everyone who's ever taken a shower has an idea. It's the person who gets out of the shower, dries off and does something about it who makes a difference" - Nolan Bushnell


The Extraordinary of Everyday Life and the Everyday Life of the Extraordinary

Jamie Constantine


I’ve been thinking about my capstone a lot and I still don’t know if how I’ve chosen to go is what is best (hence the very last-minute completion). Originally, I had planned to present at the high school I graduate from, unfortunately though, that fell through due to an April snowstorm and hectic schedules. While...

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Why I Have Enjoyed The College Application Process

Jamie Constantine


When people learn I’ve applied to college during my time here in Ecuador the responses I usually receive are a mix of a painful grunt and an apology. This type of response has time and time again left me confused. Most people I’ve spoken with, current college students or current Global Citizen Year Fellows, associate...

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Oh Rice, How I Hate You

Jamie Constantine


Many fellows have been counting down the days until we leave Ecuador and for various reasons. Sometimes its big and obvious reasons, they miss their family and friends, and, sometimes its for small reasons that add up, missing driving a car and the familiarity of their town. I started counting down the days until I...

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Education Relies on Blind Faith

Jamie Constantine


There have been a few moments while in Ecuador where my immediate thought in response to something someone has said was, “that’s wrong.” Most of these thoughts have occurred at my apprenticeship. I work as a co-teacher to English teachers, but, sometimes I end up simply observing in a classroom during another subject. A few...

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Regrets and Finding Yourself

Jamie Constantine


  Not Rocking the Boat or Staying True to Yourself? “We’ve all heard those horror stories. The one where the fellow is completely outcasted from their family and community based on their answer to a single question. “Oh, the past fellow in this one placement was talked about by the whole town and was never...

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Volunteer Programs are Inherently Selfish and Maybe That’s Okay?

Jamie Constantine


  I applied to Global Citizen Year because I am, as I believe all humans are, selfish. I knew I wanted to study abroad and Global Citizen Year checked off all of my boxes: Include host family stays Set in a Spanish speaking country Be affordable Offer a long stay in country Be volunteer based...

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