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Julieta Lechini

Julieta is passionate about singing, social service and justice, and. She attended UWC Robert Bosch College, where she learned more about the topics that she is involved in as cultural diversity, gender inequality, and environmentalism. Her goals for the year are to learn as much as possible from those little things in life and the people surrounding her, as well as to be able to make the best out of the experience. There is a quote that in Spanish that says "Yo soy yo y mis circunstancias" (I am myself and my circumstances) and explains so well how one is itself when the unexpected and the surroundings are accepted. I want to take this with me to Senegal to make part of myself all what is unknown today!


Por qué importa el como compartir

Julieta Lechini


¿Alguna vez te has sentido culpable al sacar una foto? ¿O solo por el hecho de pensar en sacar una? ¿Alguna vez has tenido problemas para compartir una historia? Qué palabras usar, qué detalles incluir. ¿Cómo puedo compartir una experiencia con una "comunidad" sin caer en la superficialidad y en un prejuicio en el que...

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Desde Uruguay a Senegal, pensamientos en el Super

Julieta Lechini


Cada tanto me viene a la mente las historias que mis padres y abuelos me solían contar sobre mi país. Un Uruguay donde las puertas permanecían abiertas, donde se podía comprar una bolsa de caramelos por 1 peso y donde todxs eran bienvenidxs a tomar mate a cualquier momento del día. La vida pasaba más...

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From Uruguay to Senegal, a shared history

Julieta Lechini


I often remember the stories that my grandparents and parents used to tell me about my country. An Uruguay where you could leave doors open, where you could buy a bag of sweets for 20cents and where people are welcome to eat or drink mate whenever they feel like. The path of life was slower,...

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Una -no tan- carta a mi misma

Julieta Lechini


Mi vida parece cambiar drásticamente de un momento a otro. Donde estoy y que hago. Y hasta quien soy. Las cartas para uno mismo deberían ser leídas por uno luego de un tiempo, para ver cambios y enorgullecerse o no de ellos. Para presentarme y para luego recordarme, decidí escrbir una y compartirla con ustedes....

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A -not so- letter to myself

Julieta Lechini


My life seems to change suddenly from a moment to another. Where I am and what I do. And so am I. Letters to yourself are supposed to be read by you some time later in life, to see those changes and be proud –or not- of whom you are now. My name is Julieta...

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