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Laurel Rogers

Laurel is passionate about the world, traveling, and books. She is involved in environmental conservation and education. Her goals are to fully immerse in an Ecuadorian community to learn the language, to explore the culture, and to discover the world and herself. "Every creature is better alive than dead, men and moose and pine trees, and he who understands it aright will rather preserve its life than destroy it." -Henry David Thoreau


Drawing Inspiration from Insecurities

Laurel Rogers


Quito is a city of two million people, with an extremely large, complicated public transportation system. I have been using this transportation almost every day to get to Spanish classes, Global Citizen Year events, and other places. However, after only three weeks, I barely know which bus to take. Thursday night I went to a...

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Taking Flight

Laurel Rogers


I am sitting at Gate A in the Atlanta airport, waiting to board my flight to San Francisco, watching the commotion of thousands of others rushing by me. I can’t help but wonder about them. Where are they from? Where are they going? What did they pack in their suitcases? Do they enjoy traveling? Are...

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