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Michael Winfield

Michael devotes himself to a number of community service projects in the Chicago area including buildOn, Big Brothers Big Sisters, and Garden Buddies, a program teaching kids about the environment, healthy eating, and growing plants and vegetables. During his junior year, Michael was a leader in a dating violence prevention campaign, where he used his art skills to design the t-shirts and posters for the program.


Try Again: I’m No Role Model

Michael Winfield


You’re wasting time when you try defining anyone I believe in; well , especially me. Only thing you can define are words and I’m neither a word or a line. I don’t even know sometimes if I am human. Maybe the closest word that can define me is crazy! Seriously, I’m just 19 years old...

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Envy the perfect moment

Michael Winfield


Not the moment but the cherish of the moment run with the sunset to get another the pressure of life that make us alive time pass only if we can move the hands of time our night become the daydream what happen to the memory if we only wished we could cherish that moment

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