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nephraterie Smith


A Spoonful of Honey

nephraterie Smith


All it takes to defeat oneself is an overdose of confidence and an empty belly.  When I was a little girl, my sister and I followed the strict “Candy Friday Rule.” Every other Friday, we would have rows and flavours of enticing, diabetes giving candy. This being the idea of my father, who I can...

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Market Mayhem

nephraterie Smith


No one in this world could’ve ever told me that the color of fruit would be inspiring my days, projects, and styles. When I wake up in the morning to pick 9 different fruits and vegetables that I will be eating in a day to when I take a picture of a mango on my...

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Viva El Paro

nephraterie Smith


10:31 October 13th was when I could finally take a breath. The past two weeks had been filled with anxiety, curiosity, boredom, learning, and confusion. From protests taking place outside the homes and jobs of our team leaders and fellows to running out of food, gas, and for some, freedom. As Buddy and I were...

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The Space In Between

nephraterie Smith


“Beauty comes from expiration,” is what I was told this week. So does that mean that all of the beautiful experiences, people, and things will only truly show their value and essence at the end of this journey? So you see, I took this gap year in search of beauty. A beauty that could not...

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