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Pablo Quezada Cortés

Pablo is from Santiago, Chile and since 2014 he has been experiencing the rhythms of globalisation and multiculturalism. Being part of an student's generation that have been edifying the Educational Social Movement over the last years within Chile and, afterward, being part of the UWC movement as student in UWCSEA East Campus, Pablo has developed and put in practice its interest in Politics, Philosophy and Culture. From its participation in the Chilean student-led mobilisations since 2011 to projects such as UWC Korea Youth Peace Leadership Forum 2015 at the DMZ and the celebration of the UN Literacy Day 2015 at UWCSEA East Campus, Pablo has learned the importance of transcultural tolerance, equity and justice into the development of fair societies. His goals for the year are to immerse in a new community in order to create a relationship of mutual learning and contribution and to learn a new language -French- that it will make possible the previous aim. "What, then, is the purpose of Utopia? It is to cause us to advance." Eduardo Galeano.


Nguéniène: Kërg gi, Bin na

Pablo Quezada Cortés


The old and big mango tree at the middle of the courtyard stands as the house’s life symbol.   With more than 20 year inside its wood, its presence creates a peaceful space that makes it the center of social interaction at the N’dour house. Relatives and friends of the family will come and sit...

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What is ahead?

Pablo Quezada Cortés


I should present some apologizes over the absence of posts about Senegal. Over the three weeks that the first stage of ICO took place, the intensity of our working schedule left me with little time and big tiredness to sit and write something properly. Sorry for that.   But I have important news, ones that will clarify what are going...

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Dakar, Teranga and my first perceptions of Senegal

Pablo Quezada Cortés


“Tu vas aime Sénégal[1]” was all that Mama Ndiaye said to me after our first conversation at her house. It was the starting step into the first stage of In-Country Orientation, in which I will live with a Senegalese family in Dakar for three weeks in order to learn about culture, languages (French and Wolof) and daily life in...

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Pablo Quezada Cortés


Things to pack are spread over the room and, as a learned ritual, I start to open the baggages  and put them into place. The feeling has been always the same: excitement and nervousness come up together in a strange mix that leaves me with wonders and prospects. It is time to leave again the house, to...

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