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author avatar

Sarah Montross

Sarah is passionate about public health, sports and her doggies. She is involved in her school's global health club and helps coach volleyball to younger girls. Sarah has been a member of the global health club since she was a freshman, and cherishes giving back to those less fortunate. As a coach, she continues to learn the importance of discipline and a strong mentality, and hopes to instill these ideals in the girls she helps out with. Her goals for the year are to become fluent in Spanish, learn more about herself and meet incredible, genuine people who will greatly impact her life. Her favorite quote is "be comfortable with being uncomfortable."


College Ready!

Sarah Montross


Before departing for Ecuador, I was pretty sure I knew what I wanted to study in college: public health. During high school, I was fortunate enough to discover my passion for learning about inequalities and injustices through a series of classes structured around researching global issues. I threw myself into every project and field trip...

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Thank You, Ecuador

Sarah Montross


I have sat down on ten different occasions (literally) to write this blog, so hopefully this time sticks. I’ve been really struggling to put my emotions into words, especially given the fact that we only have 21 days left in our communities with our host families. After 193 days living in Ecuador, I’m not really...

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A Day in the Life

Sarah Montross


I haven’t written a blog in a little over a month, and while I could have written about my new life in Biblián, or my apprenticeship in the *escuela inicial* (daycare) where I work, I really wanted to share with you all a story from today – one that perfectly describes a day in my...

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Sarah Montross


In Ecuador, adios is what you say as a more permanent goodbye. Instead, most of us just say chao, a sort of see you later. But yesterday, I said adios to the family I’ve been staying with for the past month. Truly one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. It brings tears to my...

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My Ecua-Family

Sarah Montross


I thought I’d designate this blog post to my host family because a short – or long – week ago, I arrived in Guapán, Azogues, Ecuador, where I will be spending the next seven and a half months. Guapán is a small town on the outskirts of Azogues, a relatively modest city in the province...

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Two Weeks and Counting…

Sarah Montross


        As I write this, I’m sitting atop the mountains in the southern part of Virginia, looking out at the lush, green valleys and endless, rolling horizon. Knowing I’ll be placed in the mountainous region of Ecuador, I can’t help but think how my view will differ in the upcoming weeks and...

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