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Sarah Murray

Sarah is passionate about people, dance and social change. She loves to meet people from every walk of life so to inspire and be inspired by their stories. She is involved in The Woodcraft Folk, the United World College Movement and social activism. All three use education as a tool for equality and to motivate young people today to be the leaders of tomorrow. She believes that dance is a great way to teach, unite and bring happiness to communities. She especially loves bringing movement and song to those who are physically challenged as, after working at day centers for the disabled and with her disabled brother, she has seen how their personal barriers can be overcome using movement, with joy and happiness as the result. He favorite quote is "Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail"- Ralph Waldo Emerson.


Capoeria Através dos Olohs de uma Gringa.

Sarah Murray


'Através doa Olohs de uma Gringa' or 'Through the Eyes of a Gringa' is a good representation of how I view my time here. Even more so in Capoeira, because as a tradition each person is given a nickname that describes a trait of theirs. We do not use actual names because in the past...

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A Celebration of Food-ersity

Sarah Murray


Written: 26.12.2015.   “Nós temos o melhor … pizza, shawarmas, crepes, sushi, cachorros quentes, carne, peixe, bolo, chocolate … do mundo nós temos o melhor de tudo aqui !!!! “ – Luana, my host sister. Divisions: Rich, poor, white, yellow, black, brown, borders, Muslims, Christians, Jewish, east, west, south, north, trans, male, female…Divisions. This is what I...

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Etapas Brasilerias do Bebê

Sarah Murray


“You are babies,   in the first week you are observing so to understand,  in the second week you are taking your first steps,  and in the third week you will say your first words”  – Marcos, host father of Maria in Curitiba.   On my third day in Brazil, I travelled in three overcrowded buses for two hours, and I was frustrated. I was frustrated because I...

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“Home is behind, the world ahead”

Sarah Murray


18.08.2015  “Home is behind, the world ahead,  And there are many paths to tread Through shadows to the edge of night, Until the stars are all alight.”   ― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring   On my last night at home, my family and I sat down to watch a movie together: The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. Near...

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