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Summer Khan

Summer Khan is passionate about [your passion]. He/She is involved in [describe the 2-3 issues that are most important to you]. His/Her goals for the year are [list your goals].


Meet my Family!

Summer Khan


My immediate family consists of my host mother, sister and brother. We live in a town called Pimampiro, the farthest north community placement in all of Ecuador. It known as “Tierra del Sol”, because it’s pretty much always sunny except for the occasional 15 minute rainstorm. We sit at the top of some mountains near...

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Why I am taking a bridge year

Summer Khan


Hello everyone!   I’m so excited for my bridge year in India! I have been anticipating for months about the food culture, and what my daily life is going to look like. Oh wait, just kidding!! I am actually going to Ecuador, I switched countries about two weeks before program launch because my Indian visa...

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