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Surabhee Arjunwadkar

Surabhee is passionate about studying languages and different cultures as well as having long discussions about various socio-political issues all over the world. She is involved in a project that creates awareness about menstrual hygiene and promotes the use of menstrual cups. Her goals for the year are to learn Spanish, understand the Ecuadorian culture and immerse herself in the ever-changing nature of human culture.


Last Blog: Gratitude

Surabhee Arjunwadkar


Being home has given me time to reflect. I do not know yet what I have experienced, nor do I know how to make sense of it. I know, however, that I have grown a lot, grown into someone I am proud of. And I am so incredibly grateful for the opportunity I was given...

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Surabhee Arjunwadkar


  A series of thoughts about a series of things attempting to address the question, “So, how was Ecuador?”   1. Going home has been different for everyone, Or so I’ve heard. I’m not home yet. And at this point, I don’t know if it is really home, or just an incredibly familiar place that...

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Gauri Vaishali Fuerez Navarrete

Surabhee Arjunwadkar


When I came to Ecuador, I had certain assumptions about how my life would look like. I didn’t know anything about anything and this is one of the things I had not expected. At all. During my second month with my host family, I found out that my 17-year-old host sister, Lesly, was pregnant. I...

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An Indian Girl’s Guide to Ecuador

Surabhee Arjunwadkar


(A short, not-comprehensive-at-all, possibly biased list of things that might help you thrive in Ecuador) 1. If you have two bottles of 100% pure Parachute coconut oil for your hair in an environment that is 20℃ or less, and no access to a heat source, you will have to buy very expensive extra virgin olive...

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‘Mi hija’

Surabhee Arjunwadkar


I was waiting for my bus to Quiroga, the town I live in. It hadn’t arrived yet. I took a chance and asked the bus conductor. ‘A Quiroga?’ ‘No, mi hija…’ I don’t know what he said after that. I stopped listening after mi hija. Mi hija. My daughter. My father says it. My mother...

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What ‘Privilege’ Means

Surabhee Arjunwadkar


It is difficult to accept your privilege. Privilege is something I thought I didn’t have, something that only ‘rich’ people had. That is until I came to Ecuador. Somewhere in my mind, the word privilege had gained a negative connotation, that growing up privileged somehow made you ignorant and unaware of things. In this journey...

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An Unfinished Love Letter to the Place I Call Home

Surabhee Arjunwadkar


पुणे. पुनवडी. पुण्यनगरी. माझं शहर. माझं घर. Sometimes, I wish I had found you sooner, felt your magic, seen your beauty. I remember, two years ago, when two foreigners thought that a rather unimpressive, dirty bridge was beautiful, I thought it was absurd. Now, as I pass that bridge, it reminds me of them, of...

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