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Thomas Linford

Tom is passionate about global economics, math, and physics. He as been playing violin for the past 10 years, but beyond his dedication to music, he has been involved in several clubs. Most notably, Thomas served as Public Forum Debate Coordinator where he taught debate and helped organize tournaments.


The Horse and the Cow

Thomas Linford


My family loves talking fast. They also love playfully shouting at each other at the top of their lungs. And then there’s me, frantically trying to figure out what my family says as they rapidly yell at me while smiling and laughing. Fortunately, I was able to put these troublesome problems to the side one...

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Two Week Old Portuguese Brain Put to Work

Thomas Linford


Three weeks ago at night, my host mom came rushing into my room, cell phone in hand, talking the fastest Portuguese she’s ever spoken to me. “Eu tou conversando com um homem quem não fala Português, mas ele fala inglês. Eu não falo inglês. Você pode falar com ele?” “Uhh…” I had been chatting on...

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Why GCY?

Thomas Linford


I always get asked the question “why did you do Global Citizen Year?” I’ve come up with some good answers causing nods in my listeners, and other answers that cause my listener to change the subject. I’ve said that Global Citizen Year will better prepare me for college, or that Global Citizen Year would be...

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The San Franciscan

Thomas Linford


My name is Tom Linford and I was born and raised in San Francisco, California and I will be going to Brazil next year. My alma mater, Lowell High School, is the oldest high school west of the Mississippi. It is an extremely high caliber high school academically because it is the top public high...

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