Fellow Stories
True gap year stories from Fellows abroad!
Check out the latest blogs from Global Citizen Year Fellows in Brazil, Ecuador, and India!
Class Year
Galen Tsongas
The beliefs we hold are shaped by our environment, our age, our upbringing in our environment, and the combination of experiences and sensations within our realities. Beliefs are passed down from parent to child, friend to friend, television to mind, eyes to mind, mouth to ears, and ears to mind. These are the sculptors of the masterpieces of human...
Read MoreThe Concept of Being a Woman in Brasil
Jojo Guerrero
I remember getting ready to go on this bridge year, preparing myself mentally and emotionally for it. I tried to get a glimpse of what exactly I would be experiencing in the next following few months through extensive Googling. I tried to prepare myself for the places I might see, the food I might eat,...
Read MoreChange through Empowerment
Chinyere Aniagoh
My cohort and I, on arrival believed we could change Ecuador. We believed that if our communities didn’t have a clean water system we would be the ones to implement one or if there was an out break of Malaria we could get vaccines to everyone in our communities. These things are possible but we under estimated just how hard...
Read MoreThe Courtyard
Peyton Foley
I rest on the edge of a school courtyard wall. It appears ready to crumble, as if my weight were actually centering the worn bricks and pinning them together less they slide apart like Jenga blocks. The other, less fortunate walls lay fallen in the aged courtyard, scattered by time. Below my perch rest the cabbages, carrots, lettuce, and...
Read MoreReaction to ‘Brazil on the Rise’ Chapter: Brazil Becoming a “Serious Country”
Jayshawn Anderson
I am convinced Brazilians are a bit obsessed with comparing their country to the United States, not to put us down a peg but to raise their own status. In Brazil on the Rise by Larry Rohter, a book that our cohort read during our first training block, the chapter that most captured me was...
Read MoreStrong Medicine
Chloe Bash
As we sat down to lunch one day, a fellow from a neighboring town mentioned that she hadn’t thrown up in months. “Even the water doesn’t seem to bother me anymore,” I responded. “Nor does the street food,” she observed. We concluded that we had become “acostumbradas,” accustomed to the Ecuadorian diet. I recognize, now, that we were tempting...
Read MoreA Story on the Coconut Coast
Drew Hayes
Please click here to view my Photo Gallery. Manuel lives on a piece of land close to the town center of Diogo, the small coastal town of 500 inhabitants in which I’ve been living, but the tranquility on his property makes it seem isolated. I didn’t meet him until I’d been living in Diogo...
Read MoreFriends Made
Chinyere Aniagoh
I’ve learned how to be a true friend through experiencing true friendship. I’ve had unimaginable hardships throughout my time in Ecuador. Challenges in my first community, issues with my family, my apprenticeship wasn’t what I expected, language barriers, and money and even my passport where stolen. Although I had Global Citizen Year support, truthfully if it wasn’t for my fellow fellow...
Read MoreI Want What You Have Without Being Who You Are…
Jayshawn Anderson
How is it that the majority of Salvador crave what Americans are known for creating and consuming (iPhones, iPods, the latest Blockbuster hits, Nike shoes, the NBA, NFL, shirts that have phrases they can’t even read, the list goes on) while all the while criticizing our every move? This idea has baffled me since my...
Read MoreA Year of Discovery
Joshua Reason
Here’s a video I made on my time in Brazil. Special thanks to Lola Perez for providing about 90% of the photos and video that you will see (a little bit of an exaggeration, but she did contribute a lot). Enjoy!
Read MoreDía Internacional De La Mujer
Sydni Heron
Betty Gebre and I, the two fellows living in Puerto Quito, Pichincha, Ecuador, worked with Patronato Municipal (you can find out more about Patronato in my last blog: http://archive.globalcitizenyear.org/updates/looking-up-from-sympathy-to-respect/) to organize a march and celebration for Women´s Day on March 8th. See what Puerto Quito did to recognize this important day here: https://vimeo.com/62106662.
Read MoreBetween You and I
Julia Carter
I ask who ever is reading this, to think back to a time when you traveled inside or outside the United States. Whether that trip lasted a few weeks, a few months or a few years. Now I ask you to think back to the time you arrived home to your family and friends and...
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