Fellow Stories

True gap year stories from Fellows abroad!

Check out the latest blogs from Global Citizen Year Fellows in Brazil, Ecuador, and India!

Class Year

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My dad beat me with some plants, and I couldn’t be happier. That’s not a good way to start off a story, let me try again. There is a moment when you feel like you are becoming apart of a family, and that moment couldn’t have come at a better time for me. Living with...

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Minha Irṃ


10.25.14 Bzzz Bzzzzz. I wake to the insistent buzzing of an alarm with a groanand turn over searching for the source. I peer at my phone in confusion for a second as I try to figure out what day it is. Friday, October 24. It takes another second to few remember why this date seemed...

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Birthday Thoughts


10.22.14 I generally like to think of myself as an unselfish person but there is always one day in the year where I allow myself a little selfishness: my birthday. This year, as the big day approached I found myself constantly thinking about all the things I missed about by old life in New York....

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Birthday Thoughts


10.22.14 I generally like to think of myself as an unselfish person but there is always one day in the year where I allow myself a little selfishness: my birthday. This year, as the big day approached I found myself constantly thinking about all the things I missed about by old life in New York....

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My Mistake(s)


“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.” Albert Einstein Something I do a lot of in Senegal is make mistakes. I don’t greet someone accidentally (which can be a huge social slip-up). I forget people’s names on a daily basis (insulting). I use my left hand to handle money or...

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Sky Swing


8/22/2014 – Alliance Redwoods Campgrounds We will soar and we will fly, We must spread our wings and take to the sky. From our flight, We will discover a new found sight. Our minds will grow And our imaginations will expand. There will be sadness though, With happiness these emotions go hand in hand. Our...

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Sky Swing


8/22/2014 – Alliance Redwoods Campgrounds We will soar and we will fly, We must spread our wings and take to the sky. From our flight, We will discover a new found sight. Our minds will grow And our imaginations will expand. There will be sadness though, With happiness these emotions go hand in hand. Our...

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11/27/2014 Feet sink into the wet sand, The waves crash against my legs as I walk collecting shells in my hand. Beautiful, colorful, each its own kind, Of all sizes and shapes that nowhere else I would find. Each with their own stories, All took a different path, I am sorry I cannot recount their...

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11/27/2014 Feet sink into the wet sand, The waves crash against my legs as I walk collecting shells in my hand. Beautiful, colorful, each its own kind, Of all sizes and shapes that nowhere else I would find. Each with their own stories, All took a different path, I am sorry I cannot recount their...

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I moved to Ecuador expecting to discover the oneness of humanity, to fall in love with the rich culture and warm people. But what I have, in fact, encountered is a stark reality: We are all partial to the ways of our homeland. No matter how much judgement I suspend and curiosity I exercise, I...

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I believe living in the moment, living without regrets, living for the story. The choices I make, the things I believe, are all shaped by the situation I am in. I used to be someone who obsessed over small interaction or conversation I knew I would have to have. I tortured myself over mistakes I...

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Alive & Well


Last year I adopted a phrase, which in all honesty I probably ended up overusing, applying it to anything and everything. The phrase went like this, “No plans are the best plans.” For awhile it fit, but one day I have a revolution, sometimes you do need plans so the motto was altered, “No plans...

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