Fellow Stories

True gap year stories from Fellows abroad!

Check out the latest blogs from Global Citizen Year Fellows in Brazil, Ecuador, and India!

Class Year

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Home. “Everyone in the world was programmed by the place they were born, hemmed in by their beliefs, but you had to at least try to grow your own brain. Otherwise, you might as well be living on a reservation, worshipping a bunch of bogus gods.” – Scott Westerfield, Pretties. I grew up in funny...

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Learning To Let Go


I have been very late with uploading blogs so I want to firstly apologize to those who have been waiting for an update from me. So much has happened between August and now that I myself do know how to decipher the different, completely opposite , emotions that sometimes intertwine at the same moment. I...

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Learning To Let Go


I have been very late with uploading blogs so I want to firstly apologize to those who have been waiting for an update from me. So much has happened between August and now that I myself do know how to decipher the different, completely opposite , emotions that sometimes intertwine at the same moment. I...

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No, Americans Don’t Have All The Answers


I have now been in my community for more than a month and I am still searching for a place in an area not used to seeing many foreigners. I continue struggling to make new friends my age (I am experiencing a similar situation that Sara, a team leader, experienced in her time doing research...

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Three Embellished Legends of Imbabura


Disclaimer: Stories hold to the original legend, but ample artistic license taken! 1. The avaricious due̱o oråÊThe Origin of the Lake of San Pablo The lake of San Pablo did not always exist in the land of many lakes. No, where San Pablo rests today there used to be dust that only reflected the footsteps...

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In the Land of Possibility


I enter a driveway shaded by the tangled jungle canopy. I take in a deep breath of the cool air, and feel relieved to have escaped the heavy, tropical heat. A layer of green moss blankets the trees and clings to the stone pathway. Ferns and bromeliads grow on either side and the breeze carries...

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Weekend Update with John Spence


*** As you’re reading this, know that it was written at the beginning of October – the  beginning of my time in my community and a difficult transition period best described as a whirlwind of emotions. You’re reading it two months after the fact because of my incompetencies operating this website.   It’s not the...

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Gettin’ Her Done


***Again due to my ineptitude on this website, this blog was written around mid November, so you’re reading it about a month after it was written.   I won’t lie. High school was pretty darn difficult for me. The school year was always a befuddling blitzkrieg of things to do, and after four years I...

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Time and perspective


I am not going to lie, it’s been pretty hard keeping up with the blog posting. Well you probably have already perceived that since last time I wrote was just few weeks after I arrived. And now, well it has been about four months of being here in Brazil. Four months, which I can’t tell...

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Obiter Dictum


I’ve been wanting to write about the challenges I’ve been facing here for some time, but I haven’t known where to begin. These three months in Brazil have not matched up with anything I could have imagined back in August, even after sitting through training seminars, reading countless blog posts, and listening to incredibly intelligent...

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Just Breathe


October 28, 2014 I wake to hear the crickets still softly chirping, donkeys wailing in the distance, and horse carts galloping by the compound. It’s 7:00am, when people are working in the fields, taking advantage of what’s left of the coolness of the night, and my brothers are taking the horses and sheep out by...

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The Long Road Ahead


Directed to my fellow Fellows: I’ve been contemplating whether or not I should post this but I finally decided that I would be limiting my readers from a very important part of my experience if I didn’t. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ August 30, 2014 I was waiting until I had felt pens to write in this journal, pretty ironic...

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