Fellow Stories

True gap year stories from Fellows abroad!

Check out the latest blogs from Global Citizen Year Fellows in Brazil, Ecuador, and India!

Class Year

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Photo Gallery


Here’s a visual look at all the people and connections that made this experience incredible. I hope you enjoy the pictures of all my loved ones. s.

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A La Cruz


I had already been living in my homestay for about 3 weeks before I met my host-dad. I didn’t exactly know what to expect. I sat across from him that morning for breakfast engaging in basic conversation when I asked, solely out of curiosity, about the giant cross atop a prominent mountain far off in...

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bruised up kitchen table


the kitchen table raised me, how to eat mito ( fried tilipia napo dish) understanding the complications of life in the rainforest. In the day I looked out at the gaps of the wood and tin roof where the tropical trees swayed; where children’s laughter and screaming voices echoed into neighboring houses.. That kitchen table...

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bruised up kitchen table


the kitchen table raised me, how to eat mito ( fried tilipia napo dish) understanding the complications of life in the rainforest. In the day I looked out at the gaps of the wood and tin roof where the tropical trees swayed; where children’s laughter and screaming voices echoed into neighboring houses.. That kitchen table...

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To My Moms


“Mother is a verb. It’s something you do. Not just who you are” – Cheryl Lacey Donovan I believe that I am one of the luckiest people in the world because my best friend and role model happen to be the same person, my mom. We have the kind of relationship where I easily admit...

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kitchen table


the kitchen table raised me, how to eat mito ( fried tilipia napo dish )understanding the complications of life in the rainforest. In the day I looked out at the gaps of the wood and tin roof where the tropical trees swayed; where children’s laughter and screaming voices echoed into neighboring houses.. That kitchen table...

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My favorite corner of Earth


It’s funny because when I got there, September 24th, I didn’t think I would like it. Actually I was sure that I was going to hate it. I was resistant to any type of change in the idealistic picture that I had laid out in my mind for theyear. It’s been 9 months since that...

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My favorite corner of Earth


It’s funny because when I got there, September 24th, I didn’t think I would like it. Actually I was sure that I was going to hate it. I was resistant to any type of change in the idealistic picture that I had laid out in my mind for theåÊyear. It’s been 9 months since that...

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I’ll be back


Ami’s eyes glinted with warmth as she put her hand on my shoulder “Alice, are you going to come back?” she asked. “Of course!” I said with certainty. And then I stopped. Because we both know that’s not really true. I’m not sure that I’ll ever return. As April 7th, the day I leave Sandiara...

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Imbaya as Home


Home, to me, is familiarity. It’s the ability to shut your eyes and imagine a place, so clearly as if you can reach out and touch that fleeting memory. To me, home was 11 Ladbrook Grove, the place that I had established my roots and routines, the place where my family was. It was my...

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Candy, The Foreigner in Raas


Out of all my friends in Ecuador, I noticed that the one I connected with the most was Candy, and no, I don’t mean the Hershey’s or Twizzlers kind – her name was Candy. Candy simply understood me and was always ecstatic to see me, and vice-versa. We had so much in common that it...

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qode interactive strata



I‰Ûªm sure every Fellow (that wasn‰Ûªt sleeping) can remember the presentation on Culture Shock‰ã¢ that Andy, team leader from Ecuador, gave one of the final days of Pre-Departure Training. A graph of the process of immersion on the board, an upside-down parabola. The honeymoon phase of cultural awe and giddiness, the slow but relentless awkward...

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