Fellow Stories

True gap year stories from Fellows abroad!

Check out the latest blogs from Global Citizen Year Fellows in Brazil, Ecuador, and India!

Class Year

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Blog 1: It would be dark if not for the auto driver, his friend and my mother


It would be dark if not for the auto driver, his friend and my mother   When the morning sun rises Naked men lay at our feet And they will not rise when spoken to When the evening river ripples Skinny men bathe in Mutha’s waters And they will not dry when made aware When...

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Ten things I am grateful for: 1. I am grateful for the sores on my feet. They remind me of all the paths I have walked to places I had never been before now. 2. I am grateful for my runny nose. It reminds me that the seasons are changing and the sweltering heat will...

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Thankful to know


Every year on Thanksgiving, in between backyard games of spud and plates piled high with mashed potatoes and strawberry mush pie, my family passes around a composition book. Its cover is bound in a paper grocery bag and adorned in doodles, and at the top it reads “Thankful Book” in my mom’s block print. The...

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Confession To My Diary


Dear Diary, There is something I have been meaning to tell you for a while now. It’s been bothering me quite a bit and I can no longer go on pretending that nothing is wrong. I want to put some things right between us. As it is, I am not being fair to either you...

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And the rain changed the day


I’ve never feared rain. Or storms. I don’t particularly like thunder, because of the unpleasant noise; I sometimes dislike rain because of the way it soaks my clothes but I’ve never really been afraid of its journey colliding with mine. Even when the first insecure drops of rain water splashed on my foot waking me...

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Reading Hemingway on the Savannah


November 6th 2015   I look over the cover of A Moveable Feast as my sister Rama and her friend Sally Ba dance into the compound holding out bowls full of guavas. There’s a guava tree down the hill from the compound; when I go to the well to get water for my bath I can just see it,...

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Over the past few weeks I have become very familiar with the health system here in Senegal. I work in a health post and I also have gotten sick three separate times so I have been able to observe the health system pretty well.  Nothing describes the health system better than my last visit to...

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Coming Home


November 18th 2015   I held on to the metal bar above my head and watched the deep orange earth fly by me; our driver was pushing this truck as hard as it would go, occasionally the exhaust would squirt out black but we moved on fast enough that I barely had time to register the foul smell. We...

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Dear All,


Dear All, It has been a sedate 3-month away from home and everything that has played a significant role in my life. When it comes to blogging, I am often lost for words to condense my experiences and emotions and to possibly reflect on those. In this everchanging world, storytelling is constantly evolving with human...

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Introductions to Ibarra


  Note: My apologies to those who’ve asked for hoarding a number of blog entries since I arrived in Ecuador nearly three months ago. Posting, starting now–promise. I wrote this September 21st. Better late than never? 😐 Enjoy!   Announcement:   I’m living in…Ibarra! I’m working at…the Ecuadorian Red Cross!   I discovered this news...

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Paz y Amor


My apprenticeship has one basic job description: to be loving and forgiving towards children who are victims of domestic violence. Put like that, it sounds so simple, right? This year I am working at a Casa de Acogida, or in this case, a shelter for women and children who have escaped from violent households. These...

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Thank you


Although I have always loved Thanksgiving, it holds a special place in my heart this year.  I began this journey hopelessly homesick; crying everyday, wishing for just a taste of home. It was draining and made it impossible to be anything more than a sad, crying burden for my host family.  I knew something needed...

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