Fellow Stories

True gap year stories from Fellows abroad!

Check out the latest blogs from Global Citizen Year Fellows in Brazil, Ecuador, and India!

Class Year

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Friend or Foe


    I make the trip to R3 Animal monday-friday with the goal of helping the struggling animals that have wound up there. Yet still, with these caring thoughts in mind, I get pecked on the head repeatedly by toucans, attacked mercilessly by many a parrot and have to play chicken with angry marmosets (squirrel-sized...

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It’s Been 3 Months…


It’s crazy to think it has already been over three months. I initially would write ‘I have been away from home,’ but I have come to find that San Juan has become my home. To wake up every morning, having a bladder more than full, and rush downstairs to the restroom brings such beauty from...

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What To Do When: A Guide To Living


Dance has been and will always be an important aspect of my life. So is smiling. Listen below to hear how the combination of these is allowing me to flourish in Ecuador. My guide to living…  

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    Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays I have the opportunity of participating in a Capoeira class. Capoeira is defined as “a system of physical discipline and movement originating among Brazilian slaves, treated as a martial art and dance form”. It is well known throughout all of Brazil and allows me to be a part of...

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Live From The Field


The Indian subcontinent, with its vast collective of peoples and rich history, has always been one of the epicenters of humanities search for the spiritual. From before the pyramids charas was a common drug used in northern Indian regions for religious and medicinal purposes. As civilization sprouted so did in this fertile land the discovery of many modern world...

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Lust for Life


  My morning routine for my past four years living in Hong Kong went a little like this: an alarm going off at 6:10, a tired body would lay still but a knowing hand would make its way to the snooze button, usually more than once. Around 7 o’clock I’d be dressed and pulling my...

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12 hours


One day, I woke up and walked to my apprenticeship (which was 5 seconds walk from my house) as normal. I arrived at the school and was told that I will be working with the new class today. I used to work with the kindergarten class(4 year olds) and my new class was 4th grade...

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A Summit without Silicon


I’ve always wanted to go to a keynote presentation. You know, those events that happen a few times every year where Google or Apple proclaims to unveil the future in front of the gaping eyes of thousands of tech nerds and pundits. After hours of anxiously waiting, they pull back the curtain and the world gasps at...

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       The program placed me in a small, historical town in the south of Brazil called Morretes that has  population of about 16,500 people. I started working in an organic farming cooperative that consisted of about thirty different families. I participate in weekly Mutiraos (community work) at the sites of the various families. These consist...

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Blog 3


Blog 3 Pimampiro is beautiful and welcoming. It’s in the mountains in northern Ecuador, about two hours’ drive from the Colombian border and about an hour and a half by bus to Ibarra, the capital of the province of Imbabura. The people are very friendly; everyone greets each other on the street with a “Buenos...

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So, who moved my cheese?


  I remember this exact moment when I was 10 years old, mad for some reason and locked inside the bathroom, (where at the time my family had kept magazines and sometimes books). Something as silly as this moment has always seemed to stick with me. So here I was 10 years old, angry (probably...

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“Recognize truth & stand for it” – a vegan conflict


I came to Brazil ready, ready to say yes to just about anything. Little did I know I would be going against who I am now as a person ? Over the past month I have been in a constant conflict with my inner self. I am a vegetarian living in Brazil (aka meat capital)...

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