Fellow Stories

True gap year stories from Fellows abroad!

Check out the latest blogs from Global Citizen Year Fellows in Brazil, Ecuador, and India!

Class Year

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The End


  This post will be the last post to my blog for the year. I want to begin by thanking all of you who have read my blogs, commented, sent me messages of encouragement throughout my year, or simply subscribed because I asked you to at the beginning of August. Thank you for your support,...

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Children Teachers


  For the past seven months, I had been working at a daycare in Florianopolis. I was engaged with children of age 3-6 years. Although I had a little difficulty to cope up with my apprenticeship in the beginning, as time passed, I was used to and enjoyed the presence of the children. One of...

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Three days into living with my host family in Senegal, I had my first weekly language class, where Tiffany—a then stranger who later became my saving grace—made the comment: “I need more time to process these past two days than my entire life”. The more time I spend back home, the more I realize the...

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a poem


India: a Poem The food is spicy as it clamors down my throat like flames licking their way up a pot of daal. The people are every shade of gods eyes; A field of flowers shashaying through the streets. The language is a jumble of shadows dancing in the moonlight. The climate is hot and...

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“Traveling—it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.” —- Abn Battuta, Moroccan explorer, 1300s. How was Africa? My feet still hold onto the last markings of fuden, the traditional henna paste my older sister traced into decorations the week of Easter. I still sometimes wear my colorful wrap skirts, and I write my...

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Capstone Video


I went to Brazil with lofty goals of becoming a pro youtube vlogger and constantly sharing my life, yet I quickly realized that I didn’t have enough hours in the day to do so. So, after my month and a half back home, I’ve had the time and motivation to make a video that tries to...

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This is it! https://youtu.be/C4VQrfrgsvg[vc_video link=’https://youtu.be/C4VQrfrgsvg’]

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blank, bookmarked


What follows is an informal response to my two favorite questions, “How was your Capstone?” and “How was Ecuador?” A few weeks ago, I revisited my high school to give an overview about my year in Ecuador. It was the easiest way to tell my gap year story because the goal was clear: convince high...

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GCY Capstone: My Senegalese Year in Music


  [vc_video link=’https://vimeo.com/272677330′]https://vimeo.com/272677330 Coming back from Senegal a common problem that I ran into was that no matter how detailed I explained a story from my year in Senegal, the person listening could never really understand what it was like: why I wasn’t scared; why I didn’t find it weird; how I wasn’t helping them-...

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Capstone Reflection


For my capstone project, I went back to an my choir group, that I was apart of through middle school and high school, to share my experiences and what I am doing now. It was a bit strange at first, walking into the room full of my old choir members, who I used to spend...

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GCY Capstone: My Senegalese Year in Music


GCY Capstone: My Seneg[vc_video link=’https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gzYe4_gmt2o&feature=youtu.be’]alese Year in Music   GCY Capstone: My Senegalese Year in Music **I do not own nor benefit from the music used in this video** I wanted to show in this video my time in Senegal…     Coming back from Senegal a common problem that I ran into was that...

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So I decided to do a recap on some of the things that I have learnt these months that I thought were interesting. Enjoy! IMBABURA The first thing our TL told us when we got to know that we were going to be part of the Northern Cohort, is that Imbabura is known as the...

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