Fellow Stories

True gap year stories from Fellows abroad!

Check out the latest blogs from Global Citizen Year Fellows in Brazil, Ecuador, and India!

Class Year

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TLTD Vlogs: Day 16


The Last 30 Days (Day 16): March 22, 2018Today I ate some Italian food, visited Leila, and celebrated Erick's birthday.Memory of the Day: That darn-tootin' banana that kept reappearing throughout the day. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ABm0x6L01A Please DONATE to my Global Citizen Year fundraising page here:  https://donate.globalcitizenyear.org/fundraiser/978608

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Just my sprinkle of Senegal – Capstone’18


Capstone video link:[vc_video link=’ https://vimeo.com/271275436′]   I made a video for my capstone as my way of storytelling, because I thought that in that way I could more easily express what my 7-month experience was like. I was collecting footage since we got to Senegal, but not necessarily with the intention of making this capstone...

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  For me the best and easiest way to tell a story is through a video. This video is called moments because it contains moments throughout my year in Ecuador, with Global Citizen Year, that I loved and that I think had an impact on me. The very first photo you see is the view...

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From UWC to Global Citizen Year


Juliana is a Mahindra United World College of India graduate student from the class of 2017. She completed her Global Citizen From-UWC-to-Global-Citizen-Year.pdf

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From the bejeweled flourish of a sari skirt to the tip of a humble Gandhi cap, India’s fashion remains just as diverse as its many foods, languages and religions. While clothing in India follows a long and well documented history, fashion in the western sense is a comparatively new concept in terms of India’s long...

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Kōtahi te whakaahua, e hea kē nei ngā kupu ka puta…


Kia Ora,  Kua roa ahau i rāwāhi e noho ana, engari kua tae ki te wā me hoki ki tērā o ngā wāhi e noho pūmau ana ki tōku ngākau, ki te haukāinga, ki Aotearoa. I a au e hāereere ana i te ao, ko tōku Whaea tērā e waea mai ana me te pātai...

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*De onde você é?


  “… I’ve never really identified myself as an American or felt apart of a culture here, maybe because I’m of mixed race or maybe because American culture shifts with every trend. I’m really excited and hopeful to discover myself and my identity in Brazil, where everyone shares a culture and history…” – August 2017 *”Where are...

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A Capstone Reflection- Growth After Global Citizen Year


        Hey everyone. I’ve been back in the U.S. for well over a month now, and this post is mainly to talk about the two capstone presentations I did at my highschool. This post is a little different, especially because most of you guys have already seen me, and I no longer...

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On my way to school


I blow one more time on my sugary ginger chai before I leave to school, as if trying to avoid getting my tongue burnt was going to prove how strong I was feeling that morning. I say a quick goodbye to Neha, my host mum, and I close the door. After the first stretch of...

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  20th       of           M           A             R             C             H INTERNATIONAL             DAY       OF          HAPPINESS   The 20th of March I decided to reflect of 10 things that made this Global Citizen the happiest FELLOW in Brazil. I put the list in a small visual presentation with the intention to show some snapshots of my life there. Today,...

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My Biggest Mistake


Using the wrong verb conjugation. Lying to my host mother about my whereabouts to avoid trouble. Not drinking enough water or using enough sunscreen. All mistakes that I made over my bridge year. Misguided judgments are human nature and are bound to happen no matter how perfect we try to be. However, this fact that...

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the art of description


Here’s the link to my Capstone video! [vc_video link=’https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ikSlb894K6A&t=5s ‘] Throughout my time in Ecuador, and the process of blog-writing, it seemed impossible to put this experience into words. No matter how well I mastered the art of description, I knew that every reader would create their own version of this world in their mind....

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