Fellow Stories

True gap year stories from Fellows abroad!

Check out the latest blogs from Global Citizen Year Fellows in Brazil, Ecuador, and India!

Class Year

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TLTD Vlogs: Day 3


The Last 30 Days (Day 3): March 9, 2018 Today I graded a ton of projects and class work, played with with host sister, Camila, and cousin, Christopher, after school, and helped make dinner. Memory of the Day: Laughing at TLTD Day 1 Episode with my host family because Maria walking with the machete reminded...

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TLTD Vlogs: Day 2


  The Last 30 Days (Day 2): March 8, 2018   Today was International Women’s Day! I went to Parque de la Madre, ate breakfast in Cafe San Sebas, bought flowers for my classmates and host family, and had Spanish Class, .   Memory of the Day: My classmate’s reactions when they realized I was...

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TLTD Vlogs: Day 1


  The Last 30 Days (Day 1): March 7, 2018   My last 30 days in Ecuador began on March 7, 2018. That day I taught my first class at my apprenticeship by myself, moved into my host grandmother’s (Maria) house, and starting to organize my new room.   Memory of the Day: A student...

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Some moments are just better expressed through pictures. Enjoy these snaps from in and around Pune! 

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Good Friends, The Great Outdoors, and Amazing Food – an Introduction. Pt.1


If you read my official profile on the Global Citizen website you’ll see the line “She [Kara] enjoys good friends, the great outdoors, and amazing food.” Seven months later this statement still stands true, but if I could just change it a bit. “Hello, I am Kara Esplin. I have made incredible friends. I live in a the...

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Where is home? Is it a country? A city? Or a thing? And how can I feel so wrong in a place, but simultaneously fit it like a glove? These are all questions I ask myself daily in Brasil, which is a country that I now can call home. This place is my home not...

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Iwe Ife fun awon Obi me


*Kinto bere inkun ti mo fe so, ke kun mun ikpe in mun Yoruba ko. Mo kun fi igbagbo se ni.*             Ke me ikpe mo me ikpe Senegal ko je Nigeria, sugbun, lati gba ti mo ti wan bi, mo tin rin awankun to men mun mi renti awankun ti e men so nikpa...

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The Cheeseburger at the End of the Tunnel


Bacon, it’s going to have bacon, lots of bacon. And iceberg lettuce, with honey Dijon mustard and a phat pickle on the side. As I write this I have exactly three weeks left in my host family. Every night when I enter the date into my journal I shudder when I write ‘March’. The past...

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The Gorée Commercial


“The Door of no Return” stepping foot on the infamous Gorée island is dream many of us who are descendants of slaves. We ponder the action of going back and defying the notion that the spirit of those who where taken and tortured on Gorée could never find their way back. Gorée as well as...

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My Senegal is not Your Africa


The 230 day program cycle is coming to an end and although I am not in the States yet, my life has already swung full-throttle back to American time. This means the constant hustle to do better, be better, and make better.   University orientation, family gatherings, various events and dates with friends have already...

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A short comment on hair (down there and everywhere)


So, about shaving this time, eh? And no I don’t want to discuss if I should let my moustache grow out or shave its or if somebody else should or shouldn’t do that, here it’s only gonna be about how I feel. Regarding shaving of course, no worries.   To start this off, let me...

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Where to eat in Pune?


India, as a country is famous worldwide for its cuisine. But Indian cuisine within itself is multi-faceted; between the Southern tip of the subcontinent all the way to its questionable Northern borders, there must be at least 100 ways of Indian cuisine from all the four corners of the country.  Over the course of my...

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