Fellow Stories

True gap year stories from Fellows abroad!

Check out the latest blogs from Global Citizen Year Fellows in Brazil, Ecuador, and India!

Class Year

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Bukaan/Sama Ker


Bukaan. My time in Senegal is nearly over, and after 6 months in country I thought that it was time to share the most important part of my experience in country; my host family. I live in a rural village named Colobane in the area of Lehar. Lehar, also know as Pambal, is composed of...

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To the Class of 2018: Consider A Gap Year


As you are finishing this last semester of high school and are looking forward to college, I want to tell you what I’m doing next year. Instead of shopping for bean bag chairs, I’m buying work boots. And instead of thinking about who I’ll share a dorm room with and what class I’ll take, I’m...

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It Follows (or, What to Expect as a Young Black Woman in Ecuador. If you identify with either or both, this blog post is for you)


Throughout the year, I’ve talked a lot about my personal experience in Ecuador; about my growth and experiences as Toluwani. However, my identity goes beyond my individuality, for lack of a better word. It’s important for me to illustrate my experience as a black young woman in Ecuador. The people in my Ecuador are kind,...

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Why Punctuality is Overrated (and other Reflections)


A couple weeks ago, someone asked me, “What is the most important thing you’ve gotten out of this year?” A question I’m sure I’ll hear a lot when I return home. But truthfully, picking just one is hard. My time here has changed how I look at the world and how I feel about myself...

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Leveraging names


Today, March 6th, is the exactly one month and one day before I will leave India back to the states for a week long re-entry training at the beautiful Redwood forests. The training is the mark of the completion of my Global Citizen Year fellowship and I couldn’t be filled with more emotions: Happy, excited,...

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A small (small) world


A couple of weeks ago I came back from my Independent Travel with Donna. (A week where we are allowed to go outside Pune). When traveling through a country like India there are bound to be good stories following, here is one of them!   Donna and I had reached the small mountain town Mcleodgangj...

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Transportation In India PART 1


Auto Rickshaws Indian Name-Auto GCY Fellow Name- Rick (ONLY WEIRDOS SAY SHAWS)   SPEED    Rating: 4/5 This ride is one of the best I know to get somewhere fast. Due to the small size, they can weave through traffic pretty easily when compared to a car, and the local drivers normally know the fasted...

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Olá, elise!Você se juntou à IRIS+ contra Degradação ambiental. Quais são os amanhãs possíveis? O tema que mais te preocupa diz respeito ao planeta e aos desafios sobre como viver de forma harmônica com seus recursos. A Terra passa por intensas transformações do clima e da biodiversidade, e será preciso adaptar os hábitos a este cenário. A partir disso...

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Fetishizing the Indigenous Label in My Life


I have my introduction down pat in both English and Spanish. “Este año estoy viviendo con una familia indigena, enseñando inglés en una escuela pública y experimentando la cultura aquí” This year, I am living with an Indigenous family, teaching English at the local public school, and experiencing the culture here! Without fail, I let...

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Is it Safe?


One of the most frequent questions I get about living in Brazil is that of safety. Though Florianopolis is one of the safest places in Brazil, with some of the lowest crime rates, I have done quite a bit of traveling through Sao Paulo (Brazils mega city) and Rio de Janeiro. And my consensus is, YES!...

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  Pessoas tem que roubar por um pedaço de pão Ou servir mula e sustentar o Estado Ter que todo dia trabalhar, ser explorado Não aguento mais ver isso pois me deixa revoltado Das migalhas do patrão poucos sobreviveram Se logo não acabarmos com esta enganação Where we live it’s not easy People have to...

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6 blogs in 6 weeks: Types of days


6 months gone and little time left in India, it feels as if I am back at the beginning, where all I desire is to go home, but not in the same way. In the beginning I had deep desire to go home because I was overwhelmingly homesick. It  was crushing to the breaking point...

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