Fellow Stories

True gap year stories from Fellows abroad!

Check out the latest blogs from Global Citizen Year Fellows in Brazil, Ecuador, and India!

Class Year

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2017 Playlist


नमस्ते Translation: Namaste Translation: Hello First of all, ngā mihi of te tau hou, or in more familiar words to many readers; happy New Years! I hope 2017 was nothing but kind to you all, and that 2018 proves to be a great year. It’s been a while since I last wrote anything, mainly because...

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To everyone that told me to grow up or act my age.


To everyone that told me to grow up or act my age. This is not meant to throw shade so sorry if it does just needed to vent my bad I meant to express my feelings in a constructive way. I don’t understand how you can say act my age when we do the same...

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Meu primeiro discurso em Português


I have a t h i c k American accent. I hate it. My voice is too high. I put too much inflection in my words. It breaks my heart, but I won’t be returning to the US with a Brazilian accent. But at least I’ll speak Portuguese. Learning Portuguese is easily my favorite part of my GCY...

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This is Home to me now Video

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Allahu Akbar


I hear it all the time. When an elder is expressing their delight that my cold has gone away, when a passerby tells my carpentry supervisor a tale he can't believe, when my host mom is baffled by my inability to remember the easiest Laala words, and so on. It's quite the common expression here in Senegal....

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Christmas in Ecuador


After about two months of multiple parties every week, my family announced to me that we were about to head into “party season.” I was shocked and confused because what the hell had we been in before?? But also I was ready for it, and, I’ve got to say, Ecuadorians do not disappoint. I loveeeeeee...

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An introduction to Ecuador


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFA1ybDQ0Gw&t=1s [vc_video link=’https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFA1ybDQ0Gw&t=1s’]

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Voluntourism – The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly


The concept of voluntourism has been debated about for many years. Opinions on the issue vary from the belief that it is another way for white people to exploit developing countries, to people who believe that exposure to other cultures will cause progress in terms of international development. While in the past, I’ve tended to...

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Missing Home


I miss America. I miss the nature so nearby with a forest an hour one way and a beach an hour the other. I miss the freedom of its roads connecting each of its cities like a lifeline. That feeling of driving down the highway with nothing but myself and some money for gas. I...

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A Christmas Misfortune


For those of you that enjoy reading about unfortunate events, this one’s for you. The holidays as we know it are a time of giving, gratitude, and spending time with family. I was hoping to achieve all of these as I anxiously waited for my family to come visit me.  Ever since three months prior,...

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The Road Taken


Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy...

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A short entertaining story


The scene is set. We were driving home after seeing the fluffiest, poofiest, biggest dog I have ever seen. His name was Konan, and I was given the opportunity to visit him at his home at the end of a rickety road on the top of a mountain. After I had given him hugs and...

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