Fellow Stories

True gap year stories from Fellows abroad!

Check out the latest blogs from Global Citizen Year Fellows in Brazil, Ecuador, and India!

Class Year

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The things you’ll need for the places you’ll go


You’ll need to be able to go with the flow, this will be especially helpful when within the first few days of arriving at your host families house, they bring you on a trip that starts with nine people fitting into a car for five on a car ride that somehow takes four hours even...

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More Than Just Sightseeing


It’s already been three months since I’ve been here and it feels like time is passing by both fast and slow.  During these three months, I’ve been both homesick and truly happy to be here. It’s hard to explain my experience, and what’s it’s like being here. So I decided to do a photo blog...

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Before They’re Gone


The last two weeks have been a doozy. Not the, “day after day has an amazing, new surprise” kind of doozy, but a, “hardship after purpose-questioning hardship” kind of doozy. How much I’ve started to miss my at-times monotonous, daily life and the number of blessings I seem to have overlooked makes me realize how...

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3 Moons


When we arrived to Brazil on September 3rd, the bright full moon lit up the night sky as we sat outside under a tree at Morro Das Pedras hotel in Florianópolis, for our first in country get-to-know-you. Today, December 3rd, a supermoon – the biggest, brightest, and last full moon of the year – marks 3 months...

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A tiny summary of an epic experience!


  After 22 hours of plane flights, layovers and bumpy bus rides, the Indian cohort had finally made it to Hyderabad. We arrived at the sight and sound of the bustling city of Pune. We spent the first week of our journey at the Center for Development Studies and Activities (CDSA) in Pune doing our...

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10 Life Lessons From My Irritated Bowels


This past week, in the beautiful cloud forest of Mindo, I was finally initiated into the sacred rite of having serious diarrhea. Three months and many parasites in, it’s even become a badge of honor in our cohort to have shit your pants. I am now among those proudly inducted.   I invite you to...

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Thankful For My New Life—My New Home


  Almost three months ago, I stepped off a plane in Dakar, a city I didn’t know much about, in a country that I didn’t know much about. I spent a week doing a seminar at the Tostan Training Center in Thiès, speaking English, using the Wi-Fi, eating westernized food, and then suddenly, that bubble...

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Of Neocolonialism and Other Cruelties of the World (and How to Deal With It)


’So — how’s Senegal? Are your eyes finally being opened to the cruelties of the world? The global north expunge the world's resources while the south scrimps for what little is left behind.” This Facebook message popped up on the screen of my phone as I plopped down in an internet cafe, ready to indulge...

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Soccer. It’s a big thing in Brazil. Everyone belongs to a team. Whether it be in Serie A or Serie B, from where they were born or where they grew up, everyone likes a team. Corinthians, Santos, Palmeiras, Flamengo, Cruzeiro: these are probably the most famous soccer teams, but the list keeps going, and it’s not...

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My first bad day


I told my mother a few days before my departure to India how my timeline for the next 8 months would look. I go with the flow, but when it comes to my emotions, I have always been a diligent planner. Given that my mood swings rarely sway beyond mild; it is relatively simple to...

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Desde Uruguay a Senegal, pensamientos en el Super


Cada tanto me viene a la mente las historias que mis padres y abuelos me solían contar sobre mi país. Un Uruguay donde las puertas permanecían abiertas, donde se podía comprar una bolsa de caramelos por 1 peso y donde todxs eran bienvenidxs a tomar mate a cualquier momento del día. La vida pasaba más...

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Just So Dang Grateful


Right now I am sitting in my living room watching my host dad make a nativity scene out of recycled boxes and my host mom string tinsel on the tree that they just cut from outside. Yesterday, my family celebrated Thanksgiving with me. They gave me a day to invite a friend and make the...

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