Fellow Stories

True gap year stories from Fellows abroad!

Check out the latest blogs from Global Citizen Year Fellows in Brazil, Ecuador, and India!

Class Year

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Snip Snip*


  My hair was a hot mess, and everyone knew it. I took too much time in the morning attempting to mat down this uncontrollable nest. And by 10am, it looked like your aunt who always greets you with a head scratch had a field day. I decided something had to be done. But the...

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1. The School Bell The school bell here is like a bomb siren from a WWII movie.  Every 40 minutes, the deafening alarm wails across campus from numerous megaphones.  The siren is not for the students.  The teachers leave and rotate to their next classroom.  All students stay in the same room.  The class erupts...

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Reshaping my Classroom


It’s already been about eight weeks that I have been here in Senegal. And I’ve truly been blessed with a great environment, which includes a loving host-family ready to help me, a cohort ready to support me, and a family back home from whom I receive all the love and support. Nevertheless, it’s also been...

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How I joined a Brazilian Band


It was getting kind of late. I was ready to head home. I checked the bus schedule to see if I could still catch the last bus. “We could go back to my house.” Artur offered. Artur was a funny guy. I had just met him and didn't know much about him, but he had...

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2 month mark


Oi gente! I left home two months ago today! These last eight weeks are a blur in my mind, and I’ve found it hard to write a blog post that truly puts it into words. There is so much that is different, and so much that is the same. I miss home and people I...

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Red Delicious


So I’m on the recovering end of yet another cold, and this one was pretty rough. I’m getting really used to the general sensation of cold symptoms and hot weather, a combination that used to feel strange and surreal. I think part of why I’ve already gotten sick twice is because I haven’t been eating...

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Seven Steps to Live Through Death


About a week into living with my permanent host family, a close member of their family passed away. This understandably disturbed every member of the family, and completely altered what I expected out of my adjustment to their home. I decided to post a blog about this topic because this has been a large part...

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I was seduced by a heavenly concoction of light, warmth, and aroma in Anitápolis. I walk towards the fire slowly, the soft glow spools over my skin. I take a deep breath. I stood at a distance, watching the fire climb. It moved quickly, entrancing me with it’s erratic dance. Every now and then it...

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Blog V


One of the toughest things for me on this trip has been balancing my  emotions. A gap year to a whole new country is an emotionally exhausting experience in and of itself. Every day I experience a type of emotional roller-coaster that I seldom experienced before embarking on this  journey. I fade in and out...

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Blog IV


It’s been Thirty-four days since I arrived on this incredible island.  Thirty-four days since I moved to this new place I’ll, one day call  home. I know this process will change me in so many ways and looking  back on how different I was will be crazy, but being in it is overwhelming. Overwhelming in the...

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You live and you learn


So today was a good experience. They called me tobob because of the color of my palm but if they only know what there brothers and sisters went through when they left there land it would click my hands are white because I’m a product of mixing and breeding so I ask why is that...

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