Fellow Stories

True gap year stories from Fellows abroad!

Check out the latest blogs from Global Citizen Year Fellows in Brazil, Ecuador, and India!

Class Year

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Bitter Discourses


The first day I arrived in my host family, my grandmother me an old book called Bitter Discourses. It smelled of curry and old dust, but she said it was one of her most sacred books, and to not damage it, or specifically, put it on the floor. As I began reading, one of the...

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Bottoms Up


Liquids aren’t the most defined matter. Taking the shape of whatever container they inhabit, liquids constantly change forms. Not reliable like solids, or mysterious like gasses, fluid substances are hard to pin-point—literally. I could talk about the solid food I’ve been eating – white bread, white rice, and white flavorless corn – or the disgusting...

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The “W” Curve and Life in Laala Land


One of the first things you learn at Global Launch is the idea of the W curve. A wavy line that roughly resembles a W is shown a projector and the GCY staff tries to make it clear that in the beginning you will feel great, the top of the curve, aka the honeymoon phase....

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The Importance of Community


My bridge year, like most endeavors I take on, has been great so far in large part because of the people I have met and those who support me.  I am so grateful for my newfound family in the Brazil cohort, who are always down to jump in the ocean fully clothed, stay up late...

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Speak up a New Journey


Today we embark on a new journey in new places, with new people and new communities. As we goodbye to people we love that are family we all have this unspoken connection it’s unspoken because it was forced. As I stand here looking at all of you, I remember a moment when I realized you...

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Bienvenidos a Ecuador!


Welcome to Ecuador! To become acquainted with your new home, we are going to start by placing you in an isolated area for four days, starting Thursday, September 7th. It is a large compound –  a spiritual retreat center – called San Patricio. The area is surrounded by trees and mountains and there is a...

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Blogo Numero Dos: The First Month


Full disclosure: my first official blog of the program has now been deleted, rewritten, deleted again, rewritten a few more times, and now graphed haphazardly. In the interest of full honesty, I would like to include bits of what I’ve written to show the full scope of my time and subsequent emotions. However, I’m afraid...

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Soaking Up the Unknown


I have always been baffled at how you can only live an experience once, and after that it will never again be the unknown. This concepts daunts me as I live in a many times described “experience of a lifetime” because half of me knows that I must soak up every. single. second. while the...

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My Body -Young the Giant


What is a name? Back home, my name is my sense of belonging.  It’s what my friends call me, How my parents beckon my presence, How teachers measure my attendance. How trivial is a name? My friends often misspeak my name, My parents confuse it with a sibling’s My teachers skip it all together.  In...

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Managing Expectations


Yesterday in Quito, our entire cohort found out where in Ecuador we would be spending our next seven months, and let's just say we were all pretty nervous. I went into this process ready to accept whatever I was given and make the most out of it. Obviously I had an idea of my dream...

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Blog Post #2


Little by Little  As the sun rises and birds start to chirp the coffee starts to brew, my day starts with a brand new place and new people. I can feel my heart rushing with excitement and nervousness.  As I lift my head off the pillow my mind starts to rush with thoughts. Then I remember...

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Tres Dias de Aprender


As day three of my new life comes to an end, I begin to reflect on my days in Brazil and while my time has been short here I have learned many things. There are small cultural differences such as the TV always being on, eating four meals a day; lunch being the largest, most...

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