Fellow Stories

True gap year stories from Fellows abroad!

Check out the latest blogs from Global Citizen Year Fellows in Brazil, Ecuador, and India!

Class Year

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When Reality Hits


“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen, heard, or even touched, they must be felt with the heart”-Helen Keller. As I write this blog from the bus on the way to SFO, I await the moment where it hits me, the feeling that I am embarking on an incredible journey,...

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The Places You’ll Go And The People You’ll Meet


With pre-departure training coming to a close, I felt it best to fill my first blog post with a small chunk of newly-learned information. One thing that has really stuck around with me after this week is the classification of facts about oneself. I've met so many amazing people this week and I felt that...

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To Set Out Upon the World


At the beginning of Hemingway's "The Old Man and The Sea", the protagonist–the old man–sets out on a journey. The goal of the trip is seemingly simple: to set out upon the water to fish for his food. And yet, at some point in his trip, something changes, and his goal suddenly changes with the...

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First uncertainties


Confusion. भ्रांति Uncertainty about what it is happening. It was a warm August morning. I found myself alone, seated in a plane towards San Francisco airport. A 12 hour-long spiral of emotions overtook me as I saw Europe for the last time. Goodbyes had started feeling normal to me. After attending a UWC school in...

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Just A Shy Distance


I have never written a blog, which has made this first post a bit difficult to write, but here I am writing my first blog post. The same blog post that should have been written months ago! One of the hardest thing about writing blogs is finding things that you think that others will actually...

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Saying Yes


If you think about how many times a day one either answers by using "yes" or "no" to a question, you'll find that there have been many missed opportunities in one's life.  "Yes" is often used in situations where we are either certain of the outcome or see a lack in consequences occuring later on...

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Before arriving in Brazil, all participants of Global Citizen Year meet at Stanford University in sunny California, to connect, get inspired by exceptional leaders and to share their worries and excitement. Since I was a small kid, I greatly adored the US. I remember as I watched High School Musical at home, together with my...

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The Beginning


Packing up my life into a few bags and leaving home (yet again) was not as easy as it had been four years ago.  When I was 15, I felt more then ready to leave home. I rushed through goodbyes and swallowed the salty tears almost effortlessly. I craved adventure…and was lucky enough to have...

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A Fast and Furious week


The week has flown by in a flurry of lectures, field trips, impressive games of sharks and minnows, and finally learning about the tools that are necessary to aid us in the year to come. I have thoroughly enjoyed meeting 130 other 18 year olds who chose to take a bridge year and who share...

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Extinguishing Doubts- Diego Lasner


Having a nervous mind usually leaves me questioning every decision I make, including this one. I have a hard time settling on a commitment in fear of missing out of my perfect path. In other words, I have an obsession with trying to figure out what will be best for me. At this moment, Global...

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blog #4


It happened! I broke down today. And that's all right. Of course I'm embarrassed about it, as it is instinctive of humans to experience feelings of weakness and helplessness when we have to cry and show emotions that we feel portray us as such. It's very late right now, and I should have gone to...

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An Empty Planner


I have now been away from home for two weeks. However, it feels like it’s been much longer. These weeks of orientation have been packed with seminars, discussions, and group bonding activities, without giving us fellows very much time to breathe. The working theory is that our leaders were trying to keep us busy enough...

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