Fellow Stories

True gap year stories from Fellows abroad!

Check out the latest blogs from Global Citizen Year Fellows in Brazil, Ecuador, and India!

Class Year

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Describing a smile, or a view can be hard, especial if you try to give the reader the same exact view and feeling that you saw and had. But thanks to technology we can take Photos and share them. So enjoy my whole year random moments. 🙂 

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A Salutation to the Dawn and Auspicious Beginnings


Sharing one of my favorite poems written by the Indian dramatist, Kalidasa: Look to this day! For it is life, the very life of life. In its brief course Lie all the verities and realities of your existence: The bliss of growth The glory of action The splendour of beauty For yesterday is but a...

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The Good and the Bad (But Mostly Good)


Throughout my entire time in Brazil, I made a conscious effort to list every single major difference that I came across in comparison to the United States – the good, the bad, the ugly, and the “simply different, but neither worse nor better”. The biggest differences for me in Brazil: 1. Food habits It’s very rare...

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Souvenirs, Day-Trips, and Redefinitions


       It’s been awhile since I’ve read a book for fun – through the rush college applications, graduation, long plane rides, and the absence of my family for the past few months, reading really has becomes a chore rather than something to enjoy. But recently, I’ve had a change of heart, and I found...

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Realizations in Rio


    I sat atop Morro da Urca, one of the highest and most stunning mountaintops in Rio, staring out across the city. I leaned forward and pressed my bodyweight against the steel railing, taking a deep breath of fresh Brazilian air. Here I was, after a grueling 6 hour bus ride, a short bike...

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Familial Introductions


    I sat alone in the living room, laptop in front of me, watching my hands do their little "dance" in place on my keyboard – a new hand-fidget I’ve unconsciously started to do ever since arriving to Brazil, and seems to happen only when I get too nervous. I've come to call it...

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Capstone project


The capstone project to me was a way for me to show people what I had experienced in Ecuador for the past year. It was a way for me to not only tell them how amazing the experience was but a way for me to show them videos from when the experiences were actually happening....

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Is that a yes?


“Is that a yes? Maybe a way of politely saying no? Is she doubting? Why would she doubt? Have I said something wrong? Have I done something wrong? What does she mean with that continuous tilt of her head? She almost looked like a bobble head figurine.”       A million thoughts welled up...

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Looking back


It has been about a month. One month since I last saw India. One month since I last hugged my host family. To be precise, it has been 39 days. 39 days that came, each, with a special memory from my year in Pune. Every single day brought me something new, something to be grateful...

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TLTD Vlogs: Day 26


The Last 30 Days (Day 26): April 1, 2018Please DONATE to my Global Citizen Year fundraising page here: https://donate.globalcitizenyear.org/fundraiser/978608 Today I got locked in the house again (classic), went to an Easter Luncheon with Alex’s host family, and almost got attacked by a dog. Memory of the Day: Running to catch the bus with Elizabeth...

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Meet Alejandro Jose


From Wednesday , March 7. 2018   Long time no see, let me catch up with what happened in the previous weeks. On new year's eve I was with the family and the extended family, had an amazing time especially because we had our own fireworks. During the night with my cousins we went to...

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Capstone project – My Brazilian Journey


Through my capstone project, I was able to relive the beautiful memories I have made of a place that has grown so close to my heart in only 8 months. We often don’t realize how much the experiences we are going through are making us develop as a person at those moments. After reflecting on...

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