Fellow Stories

True gap year stories from Fellows abroad!

Check out the latest blogs from Global Citizen Year Fellows in Brazil, Ecuador, and India!

Class Year

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A Year In Ecuador


A short film dedicated to spread awareness the beauty a gap year with Global Citizen Year can hold.   [vc_video link=’https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V3tkoL21uZo’]

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From the End to the Beginning


Adapting to a new culture and country was more than difficult when I first lived in Ecuador, but contrary to popular belief going back home was even harder. In my town in Chordeleg, I felt like I held an important role in my community. I was an assistant English teacher and I also worked in...

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Home has always been an ambiguous word for me. Is it where I have grown up? Is it where my ancestors come from? Is it where I am living at the moment? Or is it even somewhere I might end up in the future? For the past few years, I have been questioning the topic...

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Capstone Reflection


I had been trying to set up a Skype session with one of my high school teachers while I was in Brazil but it never worked out. Friday was the best day for him, and it was the worst for me. Besides the jetlag, I had language class every Friday; and when I didn't have...

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Capstone or stepping stone?


After RET, it took me a while to get back on the "GCY program requirement" train. I struggled with reverse culture shock heavily, and reintegrated somewhat slowly. However, during this reintegration process, Leo (Brazil fellow) and I went to visit one of our high school teacher's (Matt Cone); we talked about our experiences and shared...

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Happiness is having chai with you


India taught me that real tea is very different from the sad little tea bag that we dip in hot water. Indian tea is flavorful, strong, sweet, warms you up when you are cold, cures you when you have a slight fever, gives you the strength needed to teach 5th grade kids for two more...

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Capstone Project Reflection- GCY Requirement


Hello lovely human beings,  It's me again. One last time I promise.  About a month ago, I returned to UWC Robert Bosch, Germany. This is where I studied previously, before choosing to embark on one of the most challenging experiences to date. I was joined by my fellow classmate, roomie, and friend Soph Schonach,who spent her...

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Shizho Kuychirumi


This man, oh what a mystical man… He goes by Jonny. He's been living in Cañar (my host community) for eleven years now. From el centro, his home is about a 7 minute camioneta ride. Yes, camioneta; because taxi's refuse to take you up to the community of San Rafael. Only because the particular sector...

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Final Reflection Blog


By putting together some of the clips I recorder throughout this experience and putting into practice some of the skills I acquired at my apprenticeship, I managed to make a video that showed a little of what my experience was like. Throughout these months I kept learning something new about this outstanding country and I...

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The Three Introductions, A Capstone Project.


My capstone project was inspired by the personal bio I wrote for Global Citizen Year before program launch. Before I knew anything about brigadero, CaraKura, Ratones, Caroline & Carlos, and far before Ticen, Tisan, Tican, Titri, Tilag, and the forgotten Tirio.  My bio reads that I enjoy good friends, the great outdoors, and amazing food. All...

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My favorite (untranslatable) Hindi words


1. Golmaal गोलमाल Chaos. This word is formed by two other Hindi words: gol (round, circle) and maal (wealth).   2. Rishta रिश्ता An inexplicable connection with another soul.   3. Masakali मसाकली Aspiring to fly high through peace and liberation.   4. Gulcharrey गुलचरे Enjoying life to the fullest with no aim, target or desire...

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African American in Senegal


I don’t think I will ever get completely reaclimated to America beacuse Senegal has changed me so much. Although I haven’t processed all the lessons and unique situations I was put in I can say I matured alot because of them. Please enjoy my final commentary on my difficult and amazing experiences as an African...

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