
What to Look For in a Gap Year Program

There are a number of gap year programs available to students, but how do you know which one to choose? 

There’s a lot you can do in a year’s time and you want to make it count. 

That’s why we created this guide to help you find find the best program for you!

Gap Year Program: What to Look For?

Use this checklist to help narrow your search for a gap year program.



Gap year experiences offer a unique opportunity to combine cultural immersion, personal growth, and real-world experience. When looking at different programs, try to find a good balance of all these elements. Purely volunteering abroad can sometimes lack the structured learning element. Conversely, traditional study abroad can be so classroom-focused that you miss out on real-world experience. Seek out programs that balance all the opportunities gap years offer!  



If you could spend a year anywhere in the world, where would it be? Keep in mind that a gap year program takes you away from the tourist spots and into the “real life” areas of a country. This provides more than a vacation can offer and offers the rare opportunity to learn more about a culture that interests you in an authentic, hands-on way.

Considering a gap program?

See how Take Action Lab could align with your goals.


Whether it’s a topic you’d like to learn more about or a global issue you’d like to be involved more in, make sure you know about all the possibilities out there before making a decision. Reading what past gap year participants have to say can help you make the right choice.



Think you can’t afford a gap year program? Think again. Many programs offer scholarships and financial aid, some even offer full scholarships. At Tilting Futures, 80% of our students have received financial aid, many receiving full scholarships! We believe this opportunity should be open to everyone, irrespective of income level.



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Global Citizen Year is moving forward as part of our new, larger brand: Tilting Futures. New name, same mission, expanded programs and impact.