Fellow Stories
True gap year stories from Fellows abroad!
Check out the latest blogs from Global Citizen Year Fellows in Brazil, Ecuador, and India!
Class Year
Coming Home
Kaya Van Dyke
Coming home has always been one of my favorite feelings. I love the mountains I grew up in, I love the people that love me here, and I love the way everything goes the way I expect it to. Coming home from Brazil felt no different. I was greeted by people I loved, places I’d...
Read MoreMy year in seconds
Kaya Van Dyke
For my capstone project, I compiled one second videos that I took almost everyday of my time in Brazil. Here’s the finished little window into my last 9 months [vc_video link=’https://youtu.be/KxuzuiXIdYA’]
Read MoreCapstone Reflection- Leonardo Ruiz Sanchez
Leonardo Ruiz-Sanchez
[vc_video link=’https://youtu.be/IuepnI-VXHc’] This year was full of laughs, friends, struggles, coxinhas. So much that I decided to create a video to showcase some of the highlights of my time in Brazil. There were many times during this capstone process that I found a picture or a video that reminded me about a memory that...
Read MoreFwd:
Mae Reilly
Unfortunately, my time in Brazil came to an end about a month ago. Currently I am working at a Brazilian café, trying to maintain my Portuguese and pão de queijo addiction. I was looking back on my time and here are a few of my favorite photos. 1. My first incredibly nice and sweet host...
Read MoreThe Good and the Bad (But Mostly Good)
Savion Sample
Throughout my entire time in Brazil, I made a conscious effort to list every single major difference that I came across in comparison to the United States – the good, the bad, the ugly, and the “simply different, but neither worse nor better”. The biggest differences for me in Brazil: 1. Food habits It’s very rare...
Read MoreSouvenirs, Day-Trips, and Redefinitions
Savion Sample
It’s been awhile since I’ve read a book for fun – through the rush college applications, graduation, long plane rides, and the absence of my family for the past few months, reading really has becomes a chore rather than something to enjoy. But recently, I’ve had a change of heart, and I found...
Read MoreRealizations in Rio
Savion Sample
I sat atop Morro da Urca, one of the highest and most stunning mountaintops in Rio, staring out across the city. I leaned forward and pressed my bodyweight against the steel railing, taking a deep breath of fresh Brazilian air. Here I was, after a grueling 6 hour bus ride, a short bike...
Read MoreFamilial Introductions
Savion Sample
I sat alone in the living room, laptop in front of me, watching my hands do their little "dance" in place on my keyboard – a new hand-fidget I’ve unconsciously started to do ever since arriving to Brazil, and seems to happen only when I get too nervous. I've come to call it...
Read MoreCapstone project – My Brazilian Journey
Patil Khakhamian
Through my capstone project, I was able to relive the beautiful memories I have made of a place that has grown so close to my heart in only 8 months. We often don’t realize how much the experiences we are going through are making us develop as a person at those moments. After reflecting on...
Read MoreHome
Patil Khakhamian
Home has always been an ambiguous word for me. Is it where I have grown up? Is it where my ancestors come from? Is it where I am living at the moment? Or is it even somewhere I might end up in the future? For the past few years, I have been questioning the topic...
Read MoreCapstone Reflection
Leonardo Salvatore
I had been trying to set up a Skype session with one of my high school teachers while I was in Brazil but it never worked out. Friday was the best day for him, and it was the worst for me. Besides the jetlag, I had language class every Friday; and when I didn't have...
Read MoreThe Three Introductions, A Capstone Project.
Kara Esplin
My capstone project was inspired by the personal bio I wrote for Global Citizen Year before program launch. Before I knew anything about brigadero, CaraKura, Ratones, Caroline & Carlos, and far before Ticen, Tisan, Tican, Titri, Tilag, and the forgotten Tirio. My bio reads that I enjoy good friends, the great outdoors, and amazing food. All...
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