Fellow Stories
True gap year stories from Fellows abroad!
Check out the latest blogs from Global Citizen Year Fellows in Brazil, Ecuador, and India!
Class Year
Children Teachers
Rujen Amatya
For the past seven months, I had been working at a daycare in Florianopolis. I was engaged with children of age 3-6 years. Although I had a little difficulty to cope up with my apprenticeship in the beginning, as time passed, I was used to and enjoyed the presence of the children. One of...
Read MoreCapstone Video
Alexi Strike
I went to Brazil with lofty goals of becoming a pro youtube vlogger and constantly sharing my life, yet I quickly realized that I didn’t have enough hours in the day to do so. So, after my month and a half back home, I’ve had the time and motivation to make a video that tries to...
Read MoreWhat to do in Florianópolis
Patil Khakhamian
1- BEACHES Since Florianópolis is an island, it has more than 40 beaches, each one more beautiful than the other. Challenge yourself to get to know all of the beaches on this magnificent island. There are beaches with huge waves like Joaquina, Mole, Morro das Pedras, etc and then there are some with almost no waves...
Read MoreCapstone Reflection
Jonas Gerken
There are some moments in my life where I imagine that the moment I am living is something out of a movie. That moments are sequenced together and intense emotional music constantly plays in the background, as if to remind me about how I am supposed to feel. This typically happens when I’m saying goodbye...
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Caroline Smith
Just two days after returning home to North Carolina, I went with Elizabeth (Ecuador '18) and Wyatt (Senegal '18) to Wyatt's alma mater, East Chapel Hill High School. We spent the day giving presentations about our different and shared experiences with Global Citizen year. Most of the students to whom we presented are rising seniors,...
Read MoreCapstone: Tying up Loose Ends
Trevor Hall
https://youtu.be/M6V9ZcIizHI Above is my Global Citizen Year capstone video where I show a little piece of my long, but too short, experience abroad in Florianopolis. My video-making skills obviously need some work, but when I think back on my 8 months in Brazil I will now have a little video that captivates a small component...
Read MoreFrom UWC to Global Citizen Year
Juliana Trujillo Mesa
Juliana is a Mahindra United World College of India graduate student from the class of 2017. She completed her Global Citizen From-UWC-to-Global-Citizen-Year.pdf
Read More*De onde você é?
Elise Steenburgh
“… I’ve never really identified myself as an American or felt apart of a culture here, maybe because I’m of mixed race or maybe because American culture shifts with every trend. I’m really excited and hopeful to discover myself and my identity in Brazil, where everyone shares a culture and history…” – August 2017 *”Where are...
Juliana Trujillo Mesa
20th of M A R C H INTERNATIONAL DAY OF HAPPINESS The 20th of March I decided to reflect of 10 things that made this Global Citizen the happiest FELLOW in Brazil. I put the list in a small visual presentation with the intention to show some snapshots of my life there. Today,...
Read MoreMy Biggest Mistake
Trevor Hall
Using the wrong verb conjugation. Lying to my host mother about my whereabouts to avoid trouble. Not drinking enough water or using enough sunscreen. All mistakes that I made over my bridge year. Misguided judgments are human nature and are bound to happen no matter how perfect we try to be. However, this fact that...
Read MoreWhere Even Am I?
Leonardo Ruiz-Sanchez
This can be a simple or tricky question depending on how it is approached. It’s always easy to state the obvious: I am in Brazil. I am waiting for a bus. I am going to my apprenticeship. Although this is the truth, it is not the whole truth. There are so many other sides of...
Read MoreMy Year in a Video
Caroline Smith
[vc_video link=’https://youtu.be/iKNM424nAtA’]
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