Fellow Stories

True gap year stories from Fellows abroad!

Check out the latest blogs from Global Citizen Year Fellows in Brazil, Ecuador, and India!

Class Year

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My voices


 I never really was a man of words or anyone words at all. I was always that quiet kid in class who did everything he was supposed to and was always compared as “why can’t anyone be like Marcus”. I hated it, I felt like the last one to do anything and felt as if...

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Life in Laguna Beach came and went with the tides. Over the course of a decade, confusion and anxiety ebbed out to sea, soon to be replaced by curiosity and zeal. The final four years showed me what I was made of deep down, but I never felt that I embodied that. You see, I...

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Just A Soccer Game


Today was the third day of Global Citizen Year’s Global Launch. At Global Launch I have been exposed to a caliber of diversity unlike anything I ever imagined. I could go on to explain all of the interesting learning we have been doing about the world around us and how we interact with it, but...

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Intuition & Inclinations


Why? After receiving this question an uncountable number of times during the summer leading up to my bridge year, I had my response down to practically a science. I plan to study International Development in college. I do not have much prior knowledge or experience, but I do know that I want to learn more....

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Day 1: First Day at Stanford


To give you guys an idea of what I am doing right now, I am at my desk in my dorm room typing this journal out. No one showed up in my room, so I think I don’t have a roommate. Not having a roommate isn’t actually that bad. As I am an introvert when...

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Saying Goodbye


I tried to write this blog over and over again in the last few weeks I was at home, but I could never quite get it right. I think this whole thing felt too surreal. I couldn’t even begin to process the idea of leaving home. I kept getting stuck on this idea: I am...

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My Water


As David Foster Wallace explained, a fish does not know it is in water. In fact, he might even ask what water is, if you told him he was in it. Yes, we have all these things around us, but we often do not recognize it or how impactful it is.  As I am nearing...

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My Own Hero’s Journey


My name is Elise Rockwell, and I am moving to Ecuador for 7 months with the program Global Citizen Year.    There are plenty of things I could write about, but I am not going to write about what my future holds in the next year because you will see that for yourself (if you so...

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"A Poor Country"


Ecuador pops into my head every day. I think of the mountains, the soft skin of Alizee’s face, and how laundry day depended on the weather. My time there feels like it took place in another dimension. It happened somewhere else. Another world, another plane of existence. It happened.  When I got back to the...

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The Journey Begins


As I’m saying goodbye to friends and family, finishing up last minute tasks, and running around grabbing last minute essentials, it’s starting to sink in that I will soon be in another country doing things I never thought I would be doing in my life. It’s one of those feelings where I can’t tell if...

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The stages of coming home and leaving home


      As the date of my departure to San Francisco moves closer (It’s now only 4 days!), I’ve been reflecting a lot on the process of coming home, knowing I’ll have to leave again. Home is a concept with which I have a very complex relationship – that probably deserves its own post...

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Taking The Long Way


When I was still small enough to hide behind my mom during encounters with new people and panic during school fire drills, my parents began to invite strangers to my house. Loaded with sets of panniers and powered by two wheels, gears, and their body strength, our guests would coast into our driveway on touring...

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