Fellow Stories

True gap year stories from Fellows abroad!

Check out the latest blogs from Global Citizen Year Fellows in Brazil, Ecuador, and India!

Class Year

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El Camino


So there’s this book called “Wild.” It found it’s way to me through another fellow; to her I owe much thanks. The author, Sheryl Strayed, discusses her 1,100 mile hike on the Pacific Crest Trail (a path that transverses the western U.S. mountain ranges between Mexico and Canada) with no backpacking experience prior. The memoir chronicles not just her...

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The Birthday Party


Today I went to my 7 year old cousin’s birthday party in Santa Rosa, a 1K walk from my house. As I walked to my aunt’s house with my grandma I tried making conversation by asking how old my cousin was turning. She thought 8 or 9 but honestly had no idea. I wasn’t surprised that she didn’t...

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Living Day-to-Day


Some days here are harder than others. Some days I cry at work, frustrated that the kids make fun of my Spanish or won’t listen to my lessons. Some days, my little brother scares me, and that sets me off in an angry rage of yelling in English. Some days, it’s simply that my dad...

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This was the response I usually got when a Global Citizen Year Fellow of mine found out about my ethnicity: “You’re Korean?! Oh my gosh, I love bibimbap!” “Bibimbap?” I would respond. “Yeah! Bibimbap!” Bibimbap is a Korean dish well-known for its symphony of flavors. It is made with rice, a variety of Korean side-dishes...

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I live in a relatively small house, made up of three bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom, and a living/dining room. Four people live here, including me, and my aunt and my grandma share a bed. We live in a neighborhood where many of the houses are still being constructed, so they are currently empty shells...

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New Hope


Nueva Esperanza means new hope in Spanish, it also the name of my new community in Napo. Yes, about two weeks ago I moved to a new community, started living with a new family and began working at a different apprenticeship. Why did I relocate my life for the third time in two months? Well, two weeks ago...

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My apprenticeship is filled with fun and games


My apprenticeship has been full of  fun and games. In addition to my street vendor work, I am helping out at a school called Teodoro, where my host brothers go to school. At the school, I have been helping teach English. I have been teaching the kids new words and phrases  in creative ways. For...

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Exploring New Territory


After two months here, I feel as if I am slowly becoming an Otavaleña. I wake up at six every morning to the sound of my host sister getting ready for school (though she tries to be quiet, I am a sensitive sleeper). Since I am already awake, I get up pop on my running...

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Water and Potatoes


One day, I traveled to a small community in the countryside with a woman from Spain, and two sisters from Italy. They were conducting an investigation into the water systems of rural Ecuador, and I went along with them to learn and observe. We talked with the farmers about how they have to walk an...

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Around Every Corner


“My vision is to not hold myself to this vision if change is necessary and empowering, and to generally be able to roll with change better.” During In-Country Orientation in Quito, each member of the cohort had to create their own personal vision statement. It would be a rough draft, meant to be revised and...

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Dirty Is The New Clean


Almost two months ago, every Fellow had to make a vision statement about the upcoming seven months. One of my goals was to learn not to worry about going to bed with dirty feet. And while I do prefer to sleep with clean feet, I am happy to say that I have gotten much more comfortable living with...

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A Day in the Ecua-life


When this journey first began, I had no idea what to expect. I couldn’t begin to imagine the kind of people I’d come to know, or experiences I’d have. Hesitant, but trying hard not to show it, I pushed all my doubts aside and took a leap of faith.  Seven months away from my home,...

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