Fellow Stories

True gap year stories from Fellows abroad!

Check out the latest blogs from Global Citizen Year Fellows in Brazil, Ecuador, and India!

Class Year

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Preparing to Leave Everything I Know


40. 39. 38. 37. 36. 35. 34. 34 days until we leave everything we know for something completely new. Excited? Of course! Terrified? Out of my mind. I have a hard time even talking about August 21st for fear of the emotional spew-age (for lack of a better term) that will most likely follow. But,...

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The Beginning of A New Chapter


If you had asked me a year ago whether or not I would be taking a gap year after high school, I would have responded with a perplexed smile and said, “absolutely not”. Obviously things have changed since then. Most significantly (and the reason why you’re reading this blog post) is that I am taking...

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Just the Beginning


Hello, and thank you so much for subscribing to my blog. I’m posting today as an introduction and explanation surrounding my upcoming year. Enjoy, and please comment! During high school, I became very interested in global human rights, and I also became active with tutoring and mentoring kids in my community. Getting involved in projects surrounding these issues is...

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Journey of Exploration


I am from Venice Beach, California. Well, I am actually from Germany, but I moved to Los Angeles with my mom when I was a year old. When I lived with my mom when I was younger, we constantly moved around Los Angeles, from Santa Monica to Hollywood to Downtown to South Central. Although we never moved out of...

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No Problem


A few weeks ago, a friend of mine asked me why I was taking this bridge year, and why I was going to Ecuador to do it. “There are a lot of starving, poor people here. Don’t you think we ought to fix our own problems before we start trying to fix someone else’s?” This...

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A Blog is Born


Hi, my name is Lauren.  I’m from a suburb of Cleveland, and I’m a girl on the move. I have always loved adventures, from biking 110 miles throughout New York City’s five boroughs to rock hopping in the ravine near my house.  But there is one activity that has always stayed the same: my commitment to volunteering and giving time...

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Defining Myself


One of the best pieces of advice I have ever received was from my father. When I was young he told me, “Don’t ever be afraid to ask questions.”  As a child I was so enlightened by this statement that I proceeded to harass my elementary teachers with every “why” and “how” question I could think of. While I...

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The Manifestation of a Goal


During my senior year of high school I took a class by the name of “Senior Seminar” which became instrumental in my choice to take a year off before college. In the class, we read a host of works by famous western philosophers. Although they were all invaluable in their own right, perhaps the most...

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The Beginning


My name is Abbie Clavin, and I have just graduated from The Governor’s Academy, the oldest and one of the most traditional boarding schools in the country. This being said, deciding to take a bridge year was not exactly easy. While all my friends and classmates were filling out roommate forms and picking their classes, I was researching my...

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Why You’re Wrong About Gap Years


When I tell people I’m taking a gap year, or bridge year, instead of going straight to college, there are two types of responses I receive. Some people bombard me with questions; others give me a blank stare, not sure what taking a gap year really means. People often ask, “Why don’t you want to...

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Who Am I?


Hello everyone! My name is Neil Singh. I’m from the Blue Mountain area but I grew up in Allentown Pennsylvania. I spent much of my early life learning new things, reading and enjoying nature. I would spend hours outside running around, chasing squirrels and climbing trees. My parents moved to Allentown when I was 12,...

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Hello, my name is Drew Corrigan and I am from Sisters, Oregon; a small town in the Cascade mountain range. I enjoyed my high school experience quite a lot but near the end I found myself becoming bored. Although I had already committed to University of Vermont and I was very excited to be going...

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