Fellow Stories

True gap year stories from Fellows abroad!

Check out the latest blogs from Global Citizen Year Fellows in Brazil, Ecuador, and India!

Class Year

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Eight Months


Eight months has now come down to eight days. It’s a point that at times I never thought I would get to, a time that I never thought would come. When you have eight months ahead of you, it’s easy to say “oh yeah, I have time to visit this place” or “there’s so much...

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8 Tips for Ecuador Vegetarians


I know many of those who apply to GCY are vegetarians. Unfortunately, living abroad can make eating vegetarian difficult. But the good thing about living in Ecuador is that being a vegetarian here is totally possible. It’s harder than in the States, yeah. You might have to watch what you eat more carefully, but it’s...

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So I’m back in the states at re-entry training! I’m sharing a video with you all that I made a long time ago of my host sister. Being away from her for almost a week now, I miss her dearly and am often thinking of her. So I just wanted to share how amazing she...

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On my very last day in Morochos I went to town, printed out about fifty pictures of my favorite experiences with my host family, and bought a small photo album for all of them. I gave it to my mom at the very last moment before I left to Quito. They have a huge collection of photos from other...

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Una Carta de Amor


Querido Ecuador, Gracias por tus montañas, tu aire puro, y tu gente. Por tus flores amarillentas y patacones salados. Por el Inti dorado cuyo color predomina en tu bandera, de la cual el azul me transporta a tus playas cálidas y al cielo infinito que comienza en el borde de tu cordillera. El rojo, a...

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A Day in Katy’s Life


One of my closest friends I have had here in Ecuador has been my host sister; Katerine, or Katy, is super shy, very funny, and loves Korean soap operas. Right now in in-country re-entry training she feels like one of the few special people I really, really extrañar from my community. I feel very lucky to have spent this...

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A smooth transition to a new country is ideal because it will most likely determine how your overall stay in that country will be like. Lucky for me I had a smooth transition. From adjusting to the high altitude and to accepting the strict diet of potatoes and soup in every lunch meal, I feel I have made a...

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Since November 2012 I have been taking Kichwa classes with Kimberly Tellez once or twice a week; I’ve also joined in with my sixth graders at my local school thursday afternoons for their Kichwa class too. I have learned so much of the language, but what I’ve found more interesting is the ancient beliefs and...

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Why We Blog


“We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect.” – Anaïs Nin   We do it for you. The reader. The individual sitting at home who is even mildly curious about where this journey has taken us, and the experiences that have transformed us. We type these words in internet cafes and parks and...

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With 2 more weeks in Mindo


I don’t believe that I have blogged anything in the last four months. I suppose I should apologize. I owe ya’ll more. I have been avoiding internet and pretty much all life outside of Mindo. It would have been easy for me to give you some simple updates, so please forgive me. Frankly, I haven’t...

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Looking Back


Eight months ago I was living in Quito, soaking in what I could from the new culture I was experiencing here in Ecuador.  Though it was a great experience, it seems like I was living in a different country all together at the time.  Today is my last day in my community, and I’ve been...

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What I’ve Seen from Seat #24: La Madrugada


It’s Wednesday and it’s 5:25am, which means I have to run. The challenge is to make it from my room to the bus station in under 4 minutes. The stakes are high; if I don’t make it there’s a chance I’ll have to stand for the majority of the 2-hour bus ride to Riobamba for...

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