Fellow Stories

True gap year stories from Fellows abroad!

Check out the latest blogs from Global Citizen Year Fellows in Brazil, Ecuador, and India!

Class Year

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Speak up: We are beautiful and should know it


I just wanted to share with you something I’ve been fighting against all my teen life and considerable more since I have gotten to Ecuador, and I honestly don’t believe there is a person in the world who hasn’t suffered from this problem at one point in time. This fight is against low esteem and body image. First I would...

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Global Citizenship and Global Citizens


When I was a junior in high school, we had to write a ten page paper on a topic of our choice. I chose global citizenship and defined a global citizen as that person who travels the world, speaks many languages, and has visited dozens of countries. I therefore included myself in the category, as...

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The Age Line


Age is a funny thing; it is a concept that seems to have us wrapped around its finger. We are always worrying about how our age changes us, not how we change our age. I have always seen age stages that are split but the invisible, yet decisive, Age Line. The first stage is childhood:...

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Family Time


Hey family and friends, Hope everyone is well. I had a great visit with my Mom and Sister about 2 weeks ago and I hope that they have been able to tell you about their experiences in Ecuador personally. After having not seen my family for 5 months, it was definitely an emotional rush to...

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Day 163 in Ecuador 02/08/2013 Living in Los Bancos gives one a glimpse of the overwhelming power of nature. Simply step fifty meters off the main street  into the wilderness. Twisted ridged trunks rise on all sides like the pillars of an ancient atrium. From the thick, pulpy layers of decay covering the earth vegetation...

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Defining Developing


This blog was first published in the Stanford Social Innovation Review.  You can read the original posting here. _________________________ For the past decade or so, the validity of the term “third world” has been a topic of debate. A phrase coined during the Cold War to distinguish allegiances, many argued that it is outdated. Others...

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On Moving


I changed host families a couple of weeks ago. Although my new family members–and new house–are only about ten yards away, I still had to go through the process of packing up and moving. And as I pulled apart every single thing in my room, I started feeling exactly like George Banks in Father of...

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If She Had Only Known


As a younger girl she watched telenovelas because that was what her mother and her older sister always watched.  When she saw half-naked models in the newspapers, billboards, and on her father’s motorcycle she would stop to stare and idolize for that was what everyone did. When she was thirteen years old puberty had come. She was no longer considered a girl,...

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Thank The Garbage Worker


The next time he rolls by in his big, loud, clanky truck, thank the garbage worker. If there is one bit of advice I can give you as a result of my experience here in Ecuador that would be it. You don’t need to sound overly sincere, certainly not sarcastic, just say a simple “thank...

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Define Collaboration


I must have re-written this blog post a thousand times. If not on my computer, then at least in my thoughts. As I navigate each day living with an Indigenous family in rural Ecuador, my version of this blog post has constantly been changing. I suspect that this arises from my continually changing vocabulary. Yes,...

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Beyond the Drawing Board


Development: noun. The process of developing or being developed. A specific state of growth or advancement. Being so general, the formal definition of the word “development” is open to many interpretations, and can be applied to an array of situations. Animals develop biologically, countries develop economically, plans, plots, and people also all develop. The definition...

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The Good Life


One of the topics I had been curious about learning in taking a gap year was poverty. I could not come to understand how poverty existed in the 21st century. After spending two months in Puerto Quito, Ecuador and becoming familiarized with Voices of the Poor I have discovered a new definition for Poverty and...

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