Fellow Stories

True gap year stories from Fellows abroad!

Check out the latest blogs from Global Citizen Year Fellows in Brazil, Ecuador, and India!

Class Year

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Various Thoughts


Hello family and friends!! Greetings from Ecuador! I hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving’s, whether it was passed with family or friends. This was my first Thanksgiving away from my family, and although I missed them dearly, I had a fantastic Thanksgiving. The fellows of my region and of another region (24 total) got together to...

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A Day In My Life


7:00 am I wake up and begin my day   Mornings consist of helping get Valentina (the baby) dressed, cleaning my half of the room and setting the table for breakfast   8:40am I wait for my bus to come speeding down the road.. In the background I watch Volcán Imbabura peak out through the...

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A Day in My Life


See the gallery below for what my typical day looks like!

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An Immediate Response


As I was calmly finishing up my 50 cent lunch at school the other day, which consisted of a small bowl of rice with potatoes, I glanced down to my cellphone to see what time it was. 10:39 They ring the school bell, signaling what I thought was the end of recess.  Surprised at their...

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Reproductive Rights in Latin America


Read the original publication in the Stanford Social Innovation Review by clicking here. _________________________________ Just last month, Uruguay became the third Latin American nation subsequent to Cuba and Guyana to legalize all first-trimester abortions. Although a newsworthy move, the new legislation, which was passed with a 17-14 majority, is not as transparent as it seems....

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Three New Things


“Learn three new things before you come back to us,” the kindly man had commanded Cat, when he sent her forth into the city. She always did. Sometimes it was no more than three new words of the Braavosi tongue. Sometimes she brought back sailor’s tales, of strange and wondrous happenings from the wide, wet world beyond the isles of...

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A Day in My Life


A Day in My Life

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Amazonian Women


As Thanksgiving is coming up, I remind myself of all the things I am grateful for in my life. I’m blessed with food on my plate, a roof over my head, my health, and the best friends and family in the world. I do not always recognize the people I should be thankful for and the hard work they...

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Un Dia En Mi Vida – Pelicula


This is the link to my Second Video that I made. It is entitled Ún Dia en mi Vida´or in English : A day in My life. If you are interested in a little taste of my life here in Ecuador – foooolllooowwww the link!!!! 🙂

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A Day in the Life


Check out what a typical day in my community is like by clicking here!

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A Day in the Life


The video below documents a day in my life here in Ecuador. Of course, no two days have ever been the same, and a “typical” day really just doesn’t exist. Nonetheless, enjoy, and a Happy Thanksgiving to all! A Day in the Life  

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What I’ve been up to…


Hola amigos! Below, you will find a photo gallery that hopefully provides you with a glimpse into my life here in Riobamba, Ecuador!  Also, here are some links leading to projects I recently worked on. Here is a blog post I wrote sharing my observations about reproductive rights in Latin America: And here is a...

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