Fellow Stories

True gap year stories from Fellows abroad!

Check out the latest blogs from Global Citizen Year Fellows in Brazil, Ecuador, and India!

Class Year

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A Sweep Is As Lucky As Lucky Can Be


After almost three weeks of brushing up on Spanish, expanding my Spanglish vocabulary, seeing my fellow Fellows daily, learning about the culture of Ecuador through presentations and speakers, and receiving three authentic Ecuadorian meals a day from my host father, Ivan Bonilla, I have arrived in the rainforest. On Saturday, September 15, 2012, we all split up into our respective...

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The first two weeks in Quito, Ecuador have consisted of excitement, learning, and a slight case of paranoia. During the first week in Quito, I pondered the fact that I´m only one of the two million plus people who currently populates this massive, sausage-shaped city. I’m not exactly a big city type of person, so I found it disheartening that...

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Let’s Dance…


First, I want to apologise for the delay in updates and blog post! A lot has happened, so let me bring you up to date with what’s going on.  Well, I arrived to Quito, Ecuador about 4 weeks ago and I have been taking spanish, Ecuadorian culture, and politics classes. Currently, I am in a...

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Life In Quito, Ecuador


Here is a short video about some simple aspects of life in a forgien country. Enjoy!

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Something New


I thought to myself, “I’m going to Ecuador for 8 months.” I didn’t know why but I knew it was what I was supposed to do. Something from within me knew it was right. Something from within me knew I wasn’t ready for college. I went with my gut, something that has never failed me,...

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I am exactly where I’m supposed to be


Reflecting on the past four or so weeks, there’s no denying that they have been some of the longest weeks of my life. That early morning that I waved goodbye to my parents as I walked through airport security feels like worlds away. Since then, so many things have changed. My friends from home are...

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A Letter to Quito


Dearest Quito, You are a noisy city.  Even in the second before I drift off into sleep or the second after I awake, even with my eyes closed and lights off and consciousness wavering, I could never pretend to be anywhere else.  You are too full and thick.  Your smells (both the yummy food ones...

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That time I decided to take a year off before college…


Being pressured into doing something can sometimes come as a relief when you don’t know what you want. But having a choice is always the better alternative.  Lucky for me, I realized this last year during the college application frenzy of senior year.  Though I felt ready for college, and definetly ready to do something...

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The Virtue of Sharing


I was taught from a young age, as most children are, about the virtue of sharing. I learned that sharing is caring, that greed was an ugly trait, and that yes, I really did have to give some of my chocolate to my sister. Of course I’ve had my fair share of avaricious moments, but...

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Hola mi amigos, Ecuador!!! I posted some pictures of the soccer game that we attended against Bolivia (Ecuador won 1-0!!!!). What a great experience to go to the game. The atmosphere in the city and stadium was electric before, during, and after the game. Que cheverre! My host family is a great group of people....

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Having finally left the US of A


We just flew over Panama on our way to Quito from San Francisco (via Miami). Many of the talks and discussions that occurred during fall training involved meditation, self-reflection, and mindfulness. I suppose I should write some reflective words down. I consider myself to be a very thoughtful person, normally overthinking even the most basic...

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A New Country – A New Home


I left my heart in San Francisco…as the saying goes.Who knew that spending 10 days in the city by the bay could permanently change me? Not me that’s for sure. When I first arrived at the beautiful campus of Stanford college my mind was cluttered with the unimportant clatter of usual teenage din and the...

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