Fellow Stories

True gap year stories from Fellows abroad!

Check out the latest blogs from Global Citizen Year Fellows in Brazil, Ecuador, and India!

Class Year

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Taken by my host brother Johnny

Jacob’s Story


Jacob* runs a little tienda sells just two things: local jewelry and books. Jacob appears much like many of the other store owners in town. I probably passed him many times without really noticing him. The first time I really saw Jacob, he was talking to a couple of enthralled Germans seated on the sidewalk....

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Painting the World: The World Map Project


It’s only a map…it’s only a map…it’s only a map… The words kept repeating in my head, but to no avail: no matter how I attempted to rationalize the situation to myself—and the absurdity of my reaction to it—I could not fall asleep on Monday night.  I was terrified that none of the invited kids...

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Making the Grade


My one week site visit to San Ramon De Kuyaloma got off to a slow start. The first day I sat in the office, chatted in broken Spanish to the director of the school, Fredy, and ate lunch at 10:45 am. Day two seemed it would be more of the same…until, Fredy led me to...

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Una Navidad Bailando


After working on Christmas, I was NOT expecting much that night. My hopes weren’t that high from the day before either where I saw an impromptu street parade and people at several tiendas in Archidona dancing to blaring techno music. That night however, I was pleasantly surprised. That Christmas night couldn’t have ended up more...

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A Kichwa Dream


  [Note: This event happened near Christmas, but the message is still applicable to my life now.]       “Do you want to go [incoherent words in Spanish]?” “Sure. Where are we going?” “[Incoherent name of town in Ecuador]!” “Alright. What time do we leave?” “Six in the morning on Saturday.”   It was...

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One of the last things my mom told me before I left for Ecuador was to not come home with a man or a baby.  Well I half listened.  I do not have a man here. I have a daughter! Wait Before you all start panicking and getting plan tickets to Ecuador to punish me. ...

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Sounds Like Me


In my little wooden room in the Amazon, I will sometimes spend hours under the cracks of light that sift through the wooden boards, and watch as my three lives begin to make sense. The Hindi, the Spanish, the English. Maybe you can take a minute, to lay there with me. In the Amaden, District...

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Woven Together


Thoughts are woven together in interesting patterns.  Perhaps this string of journal clippings will give you a snapshot of the passing of time in Ecuador, and even a sense of that tentative undying hope we Global Citizen Fellows seemed to be imbued with: Sunday 16th October: Hello again.  It’s late at night and I wanted...

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It’s Amazing what Milk can do!


I’m a dreamer, and this dream began watching smiling faces gulp down yogurt. CARE’s investment of cows in three of our partner schools already betters student’s nutrition with the always handy supply of fresh milk. After a two-day workshop on milk products, their nutrition will not only be even better, but their parents will now...

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Get a Taste


Check out my video blog about my Life In Zuleta, Ecuador to get a feel for what it’s like living in a small indigenous community in the Andes Mountains of Ecuador!    

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With only a month left before leaving the place that has become my home over the last six months, my feelings seem to be spread all over the place. The moment I had so longed for at the rough beginning is finally here, and now, I’m not so sure I want it to be. Naturally...

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