Fellow Stories

True gap year stories from Fellows abroad!

Check out the latest blogs from Global Citizen Year Fellows in Brazil, Ecuador, and India!

Class Year

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Seeing is Believing


“Take me with you when you go.” It’s a request I hear often enough, and I’m fairly sure that most of the other Fellows aren’t strangers to it. It brings up a dilemma. I give them information about how to contact me and where I live, in case they ever find themselves in the states....

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No, we didn't all have to pile into this little canoe, this was temporary plantain storage.

4 Hours Downriver


Arrival In December, I was invited by my family to a wedding in Cruz Chicta, the ancestral home of my host father’s family. I jumped at the chance to see a marriage in a village still lacking paved roads and electricity. The trip there was an experience in itself. In the four hours that water...

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Learner vs. Knower


During fall train in August we were told to be learners and to come into Ecuador as Learners not as Knowers. Well, I listened, but I did not understand what the difference was or how that would affect my experience in Ecuador. I recently took a trip with some friends and learned the difference, and...

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Wow What a Girl!


When you were eleven what was your day like?  I went to school, played sports, came home and fought with my sibling. Here my aunt is eleven and her days are a little different.  She goes to school and does her homework, and on weekends plays soccer.  The difference is that she does not fight...

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One February morning, I woke up to a refreshing scent of untouched nature and a soothing sound of trickling rain drops, in addition to a ghastly rash under the band of my watch. At first, I assumed the rash was one of the many effects of the bug-ridden jungle, as it couldn’t have been the...

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Diagnosis Inconclusive


Elastic band on pastel green underskirt. Gnarled hands Torturing themselves with nerves. Shame flutters above the wrinkles ringing her eyes.

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La Vida Nueva


The following is a journal entry on December 5th, 2011. December 5th, 2011. The sun is beating down, and as usual, it feels like it’s going to be a blistering hot, humid day. It should feel wrong, this abnormally long summer. But it doesn’t; it feels right; it feels like home. Looking back at the...

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Close Your Eyes to See


Balance. Yin and yang, black and white, male and female, day and night, good and bad, sweet and salty, silence and cacophony; they compliment each other and make each other stronger. Because of the existence of one, the other is contrasted and highlighted. If we lived in perpetual winter, we would quickly grow tired of...

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Celebrations, Coworkers, and Cuy


December for me was marked by three things: celebrations, coworkers, and cuy.             CUY Cuy for the people who don’t know, is guinea pig. I ate cuy. I’m a great vegetarian, right? I figured I had to at least try this bizarre dish that is somewhat of a delicacy in...

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Encuestas en el Mercado


My apprentenship has been working with with a credit union called ¨Buscando Un Amigo¨ or Looking for A Friend in English. The office is located  in the city of Ibarra, in mercado Amazonas. My work day consist of working from 8am to 12pm, Monday through Friday. However, I must wake up at 6:40 a.m. to...

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My Life is a Movie


One of the most common experiences that I’ve had during my Global Citizen Year is that sometimes I have a whole bunch of slow days or a lot of busy days. A few days ago, I was having a really slow day so I decided to watch a movie called Rango. It’s about a lizard...

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Chicken Lips


Caution to reader- could contain bothersome material. It is Sunday and I finally got to sleep in,  8:30am is a heavenly time to wake up.  The extra hour and a half is good for the health.  It’s not even bad to wake up around 7am every day, but working with the kindergarten takes a lot...

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