Fellow Stories

True gap year stories from Fellows abroad!

Check out the latest blogs from Global Citizen Year Fellows in Brazil, Ecuador, and India!

Class Year

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My Estate


Here it is, everyone. My long awaited video blog. This was taken way back in October, before I was a champion horse back rider. I have not fallen off the horse since. Enjoy!

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Wednesday Teacher


Every Wednesday, I get up at 5a.m., get ready and I’m at the bus terminal by 6:15 am to take a bus that goes by the road to the school about 30 minutes outside of Ibarra. I have to pay attention to make sure I don’t miss my stop, because the school is in a rural...

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Not in Africa


(January 23, 2012)   On our seven hour drive from Quito to the beach, there were plenty of interesting scenes to capture. We passed cascades,   and churches,   and landscapes, and drying laundry,   and African Palm groves. What? African Palm? I’m in the Andes. What is an African palm doing here? And why...

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Jambi Huasi


February marks my sixth month in Ecuador, and I still haven’t posted something about my work. I guess that’s been a little difficult to describe because I’ve bumped around doing three different things. But here’s one of them: Main apprenticeship: Jambi Huasi: Intercultural Health Center (October – April). I work Monday-Thursday: working at the receptionist...

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Autumn in Ecuador


I spent part of yesterday afternoon raking leaves into plastic bags. As pieces crunched underfoot, the smell of freshly fallen leaves wafted through the air. Ah, the start of autumn. But wait. I’m in Pimampiro, Ecuador, where springtime is eternal and the only real season change comes with the rain. In fact, the leaves that...

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Never the same in “Same”


It is pronounced sam-eh, and is a small coastal town towards the north of Ecuador. We were told the coast would be our host for the mid-term retreat. Since I am from PA, I was expecting a beach like New Jersey. Instead, as we drove through the mountains, all of a sudden the mountains tumbled...

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Find Your Tribe


No matter who you are or where you come from, you are always trying to Find Your Tribe, to find family in any corner of the world. The link above is my attempt to share a little taste of the Ecualife I’ve found here in the Amazon since I arrived in Ecuador…hope you enjoy it as much...

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Why I Still Believe


Although Global Citizen Year is a non-denominational organization, we all come from different places, different backgrounds, different beliefs. Which is exactly why his words echoed in my mind that night as I tried to determine if I had heard, let alone understood, correctly. “You have no idea, but you came at exactly the right moment. I...

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¿Una Profesora? Who, Me?


In early January, the Prefecto (governor) of Napo came up to me and asked when I was leaving Ecuador.  When I told him in April, he announced, “That’s great! So, now you are going to teach English”.  You do not tell the Prefecto no.  So I got a little worried about what I was going...

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A Day in the Life, Ecuador


Only Human A short video to take a glance at a day in my life, here in the little town of Cotundo, working at a public health clinic in the Amazonian lowlands of Ecuador’s Napo Province.    

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My Day in the Life


Click on this link to see a day in my life! Day in the Life

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La Navidad


When you think of Christmas what do you think?  For me Christmas is: snow and sledding, time with my family, and presents for everyone.  One thing I love about Christmas are the decorations:  the green and the red, the Christmas tree and my Grandmother’s Christmas village.  I love to decorate the house and put up the tree; it is a lot...

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