Fellow Stories

True gap year stories from Fellows abroad!

Check out the latest blogs from Global Citizen Year Fellows in Brazil, Ecuador, and India!

Class Year

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A Whole Different World


Hey everyone, my name is Adolfo Leon, Jr.  Before I heard about Global Citizen Year I had no idea where I was going after high school. I knew that I wanted to keep studying and attend college, but I was not to excited about it and I did not feel prepared. One day I was...

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Thoughts on the Year Ahead


Name: Taylor Lawson Age: 18 Currently: a knitter, a musician and an idealist Favorite U.S. President: Thomas Jefferson Dream Occupation: a novelist/professor/research scientist/truck driver Hobbies: reading, watching BBC shows and collecting textbooks from Goodwill Religious/ Political Affiliation: none Finding Global Citizen Year was mostly an accident: I stumbled upon a Facebook ad(I don’t usually pay...

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Reaching Outside My Comfort Zone


Writing this blog post has been one of the most difficult things I’ve had to this summer, but like many things in life, it has to be done. I knew when I decided to become a GCY Fellow that I would have to do some blogging and many other things that aren’t a part of...

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Inspired by Brazil


In the 10th grade, I went to Brazil with my grandparents for a month to visit family. While I was there I fell in love with the culture and the language.  When I came home, my aunt told me that she learned Portuguese by traveling down the coast and teaching English when she had the...

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Hello, I am Heather Kurtz, a 2012 Global Citizen Year Fellow.  When I was told to write about myself I said “Not again!” I am the salutatorian of my class and have had to write about myself many times already. But for you who read this I will do it one more time! I live...

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Making My Own Move


“You’ve moved 12 times and you’re how old!?” That’s pretty much the general reaction I get when I try to explain why I still have moving boxes in my closet after living in my house for a year. I am from almost every little town just north of San Francisco. Although the population is under...

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Being a Part of the World


When I was a little kid, I can remember watching shows like Taboo, where viewers are exposed to the peculiar cultures of other places in the world. One thing I can vividly recall is how mesmerized I found myself staring into the television, a prepubescent boy, with little more to his name than big dreams...

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So how does someone end up putting off college for a year and going to a country thousands of miles away?  Well, each fellow here has their own reasons, but here are mine.  I’ve always been a person who likes to gather knowledge about the rest of the world — its history, its geography, and...

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Making My Own Tools


Hey! I was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois.  I’m an artist, youth mentor, tennis player, humanitarian, nature watcher, and a Global Citizen Year Fellow. I wasn’t raised in a wealthy family. I was born into this world with few tools for success, but as I’m getting older I’m making my own tools to build...

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Why I’m Here


Traveling has been always a passion of mine, since those initial bus-rides ‘round the Hydrabadi loop (India), which was all my mother could do to quiet my infant cries.  Even then, the entrancing rhythm of being in motion, underneath the hum and roll of people talking, brought me home like nothing else could, just as...

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How to Speak Without Saying Anything


When I was little, my family lived in Prince Edward Island, Canada.  One of our family friends was Québécois and whenever his family came to visit they would speak mostly in French.  Being so little at the time, I had no idea what they were saying, but my then-outgoing self decided to speak up anyway...

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Discovering My Differences


For more than 10 generations, my family has lived in the state of Georgia. Why am I, an artistic 18-year-old from Atlanta, the first person in my family to venture out and experience the world? I believe that is the reason I am taking this gap year: to discover what makes me feel so different...

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