Fellow Stories

True gap year stories from Fellows abroad!

Check out the latest blogs from Global Citizen Year Fellows in Brazil, Ecuador, and India!

Class Year

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Upon arriving at Ibarra, I felt like we were so privileged. We stayed a very fancy hotel with a nice buffet breakfast and many facilities. The rooms were cleaned every single day and I truly believed I was on vacation. We did all the touristy things such as going to the famous ice cream places,...

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"Poco a Poco"


Poco a poco, little by little, bit by bit. “Poco a poco” has been my favorite phrase recently. It is so simple in both English and Spanish, but I find that is the answer to most of the questions I’m asked right now: *How are you adjusting? How’s the language acquisition been? Do you feel...

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In the "Honey Moon" Stage


I am in love with the way the sun peeks out behind a tall daisy covered green mountain behind my house at 5:47 am every morning.  I am in love with the sound of the dog’s paws running on the roof above my bedroom around 6 am as if they were about to begin a...

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Feeling 18 and Ecuador


[image: IMG_3260-3.jpg] Today I did something pretty stupid. Back home in Singapore, I love nothing better than riding my bike. Going out without a helmet (I do not recommend) onto the streets blasting my music, knowing every path and alleyway. Through the nights and into the mornings, I would cycle my thoughts away and watch...

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Getting Grounded.


I’ve officially been in Ecuador for a whole month and it’s been full of lots of crying, lots of laughter, lots of connections, and a lot of unknowns. Sunday, August 26th, everyone arrived at Stanford University in California as we begun preparation for our next year in country. The first week at Stanford was full...

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30 days in Senegal


Its been a month since I got in Senegal. I live with a host family of 8 in a small town called Khombole. When we moved in with our host families we all got a senegales name and I don’t know why that is but I am called Mamdaba Fall Ndiaye. I am named after...

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In Whom I Find Home I have never truly called a place home. As I’ve gotten older I have found that “home” for me is less of a location and more people. There is always this ridiculous sign in overly patriotic Army households: along with the Polish Pottery, Bier Steins, and American flag decorated bathrooms...

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Yesterday after being called by my host mom to drink el “Cafecito”, which will be a coffee with some bread during the afternoon, we started peeling zambo seeds together ( a salty watermelon), while I talked about the limited vegetarian Uruguayan food and she let me see that we share many ingredients but different ways...

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Stories (and Lessons) from My First Few Weeks in Ecuador!


I can’t believe that it has been about a month since I have left the United States to spend a year in Ecuador, living with a host family, learning Spanish, and working with a local organization in my new community. After leaving Pennsylvania, I spent a week at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California, for...

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Making the Case for a Global Citizen Year


I don’t remember exactly how I heard about the idea of taking a gap year, but I do remember that once I learned about it, I felt a sincere need to do it. I grew up in an international household, speaking multiple languages and having family in various parts of the world that granted me...

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Where In The World Am I


About a month ago, I moved half a world away. 1400(+) miles from everyone and everything I know. The transition from life in McMinnville, Oregon to life in Urcuqui, Imbabura has been challenging to navigate. Some moments, I feel like I’m living in a dream state. That this world I’m living in is nothing but...

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It is impossible to imagine how your life will change before it actually does. You throw yourself in, full of ideas and images of a world beyond your own, yet devoid of actual knowledge of what exists. Before the jump, changing everything seems purely adventurous — even glamorous. Yet, I have found that the landing...

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