Fellow Stories

True gap year stories from Fellows abroad!

Check out the latest blogs from Global Citizen Year Fellows in Brazil, Ecuador, and India!

Class Year

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TLTD Vlogs: Day 18


The Last 30 Days (Day 18): March 24, 2018Today I dumped my suitcases to start packing, watched some awesome Youtube videos (video featured linked below), and went to a baptism party.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_UTfgUdZqo&t=6sFeatured Video: "Get Out – A New Perspective in Horror" by Lessons from the Screenplay (awesome channel btw): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJLHs…Memory of the Day: The cutest kitten...

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TLTD Vlogs: Day 17


The Last 30 Days (Day 17): March 23, 2018Today I set up my Final Community Project and had my last crocheting class. That's basically it. It took all day and when I got home I was down for the count.Memory of the Day: The feeling of accomplishment when I finished organizing everything. That and finally...

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TLTD Vlogs: Day 16


The Last 30 Days (Day 16): March 22, 2018Today I ate some Italian food, visited Leila, and celebrated Erick's birthday.Memory of the Day: That darn-tootin' banana that kept reappearing throughout the day. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ABm0x6L01A Please DONATE to my Global Citizen Year fundraising page here:  https://donate.globalcitizenyear.org/fundraiser/978608

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A Capstone Reflection- Growth After Global Citizen Year


        Hey everyone. I’ve been back in the U.S. for well over a month now, and this post is mainly to talk about the two capstone presentations I did at my highschool. This post is a little different, especially because most of you guys have already seen me, and I no longer...

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the art of description


Here’s the link to my Capstone video! [vc_video link=’https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ikSlb894K6A&t=5s ‘] Throughout my time in Ecuador, and the process of blog-writing, it seemed impossible to put this experience into words. No matter how well I mastered the art of description, I knew that every reader would create their own version of this world in their mind....

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Fellows are Family


 I woke up that morning feeling terrible. It was a sunny day a long time back and despite feeling that awful I lugged myself out of bed and embarked on the four-hour journey to the Valle de Chota. It wasn’t a good idea to go up there, but everyone in my cohort was and I...

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TLTD Vlogs: Day 15


The Last 30 Days (Day 15): March 21, 2018Today I made sandwiches for teacher snack, bought supplies for my Final Community Project, and got some college news.Memory of the Day: Getting the news that I got another internship that I really didn't think I would get! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHKd5QVqZeo&t=2s Please DONATE to my Global Citizen Year fundraising...

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TLTD Vlogs: Day 14


The Last 30 Days (Day 14): March 20, 2018Today I was shocked by receiving logistics for traveling back home, went to the store with my siblings, and chilled out for the rest of the day.Memory of the Day: Feeling like a superhero by scaring off a dog that was coming after my host siblings. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UsHasWlSkDM&t=9s...

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TLTD Vlogs: Day 13


The Last 30 Days (Day 13): March 19, 2018   Today I graded a ton of papers, visited the hospital*, and had a lyric-yelling war with Erick. *I got permission before filming in the hospital room. Please don’t be worried about that. 🙂Memory of the Day: Eating a red velvet cupcake while walking in the...

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This is Ecuador


This is a quick look into how Ecuador is small but so full of different environments. attachment-2.pdf

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Annoyed Strangers, Giant Mickey Mouses, and Carving Out My Life in The U.S.


After a sleepless night filled with countless goodbyes, I left the redwoods to board a plane for Florida. “Wait!” you say, “don’t you live in Maine?” Indeed I do. However I had thought the easiest transition from Ecuador would be to put myself in the extremely American, money grubbing, plutocratic nation of Walt Disney World...

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The End — Even Though it Never Really Ends


  I’m home—kinda. I am back to the place that I missed so much, but somehow it is not the same when part of my heart is in Ecuador and Sweden and Chicago and California, etc (the homes of all my friends). I am so happy to be back, but so sad to be gone....

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