Fellow Stories

True gap year stories from Fellows abroad!

Check out the latest blogs from Global Citizen Year Fellows in Brazil, Ecuador, and India!

Class Year

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TLTD Vlogs: Day 3


The Last 30 Days (Day 3): March 9, 2018 Today I graded a ton of projects and class work, played with with host sister, Camila, and cousin, Christopher, after school, and helped make dinner. Memory of the Day: Laughing at TLTD Day 1 Episode with my host family because Maria walking with the machete reminded...

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TLTD Vlogs: Day 2


  The Last 30 Days (Day 2): March 8, 2018   Today was International Women’s Day! I went to Parque de la Madre, ate breakfast in Cafe San Sebas, bought flowers for my classmates and host family, and had Spanish Class, .   Memory of the Day: My classmate’s reactions when they realized I was...

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TLTD Vlogs: Day 1


  The Last 30 Days (Day 1): March 7, 2018   My last 30 days in Ecuador began on March 7, 2018. That day I taught my first class at my apprenticeship by myself, moved into my host grandmother’s (Maria) house, and starting to organize my new room.   Memory of the Day: A student...

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Mi NOvio


I was flipping through my Spanish exercise book the other day (searching for any notes to aid me in my never-ending struggle with the subjunctive tense) and I stumbled upon a super rough poem I’d jotted down a few months ago. It was written in a state of extreme frustration and although it’s set/heavily influenced...

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A Photo Blog


Galapagos: A Photo Blog 🏝 BY DIEGO LASNER I decided dedicating a normal written blog to my independent travel time spent in Galapagos would be underwhelming, and completely not doing the islands justice. As one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever been to, I decided to show the world its beauty through pictures and...

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To the Class of 2018: Consider A Gap Year


As you are finishing this last semester of high school and are looking forward to college, I want to tell you what I’m doing next year. Instead of shopping for bean bag chairs, I’m buying work boots. And instead of thinking about who I’ll share a dorm room with and what class I’ll take, I’m...

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It Follows (or, What to Expect as a Young Black Woman in Ecuador. If you identify with either or both, this blog post is for you)


Throughout the year, I’ve talked a lot about my personal experience in Ecuador; about my growth and experiences as Toluwani. However, my identity goes beyond my individuality, for lack of a better word. It’s important for me to illustrate my experience as a black young woman in Ecuador. The people in my Ecuador are kind,...

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Fetishizing the Indigenous Label in My Life


I have my introduction down pat in both English and Spanish. “Este año estoy viviendo con una familia indigena, enseñando inglés en una escuela pública y experimentando la cultura aquí” This year, I am living with an Indigenous family, teaching English at the local public school, and experiencing the culture here! Without fail, I let...

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Reflections Before My Last Month


With only a month left within Ecuador, I don’t think that there is anything more I can say to the family that houses me, and the program that funded me other than thank you. There is no other words that can properly communicate how I keep this year long experience in me. To give examples...

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3110 kilometers


  The month of February is 28 days, making it the shortest month of the year. It would be fitting thar during this month I see the most of Ecuador in the least amount of time. I started the month off in Vilcabamba in the Loja province for Training Seminar 2. Vilcabamba is known for...

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Road Trip


Its three am, my little brother is puking in the front seat and I can’t stop looking at the stars.  We’re somewhere high in the mountains between Guayaquil and Ibarra – three hours into a nine-hour road trip. In front my host Dad is driving, my littlest brother has his head out the window in...

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How do I come home?


Why am I here? Why did I voluntarily put myself in the most uncomfortable situation I have ever been in? Why did I decide to make my biggest fear of college—homesickness—even bigger by going further and for longer? Why did I decide to take a year that depended on my worst subject in school—Spanish? Why...

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